Councilman Kevin Jackson said that he has selected 250 applications for sidewalk replacements in his Ward 3 district, using just under $1 million in funds put at the City Council’s disposal from a bond issue some years ago. Ward 3 includes the Mt. Hope and Summit neighborhoods.
Residents should note that the city’s responsibility for sidewalk construction and repair is unclear. City ordinances seem to leave it to developers and owners. This is why some houses have no sidewalks at all. However, the City and the City Council have periodically stepped in to replace and repair sidewalks.
Property owners whose sidewalks will be replaced should be receiving letters soon. The Councilman said this still leaves a backlog of 285 valid applications he cannot meet due to lack of funds. For those not selected, the Councilman held out hope that additional funding will be made available after the election this fall.
In the meantime, the Mayor’s office will handle requests for spot repairs of hazardous sidewalks. Call 421-7740 and ask for the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services.
Councilman Jackson told SNA that there was no time before the 2006 summer season to take SNA up on our offer to develop a selection process for which sidewalks most needed repair.
The Councilman had to consolidate three entirely separate lists of applications, going back over some years. He then asked consultant Beta Engineering to make a “yes/no” decision on each application. Beta found that 470 of the applications merited replacement. The Councilman also hired an intern to walk the neighborhood. The intern identified 75 more sidewalks deserving replacement..
Councilman Jackson says requests were prioritized entirely on the basis of “bang for the buck,” meaning that the longest continuous stretches of sidewalk were selected because the contractor will do more linear feet for the same price than if they were broken up.
Beta has marked some sidewalks with white arrows, which can be seen on Hope Street. The Councilman says these arrows show where replacements will be don.
SNA members have repeatedly stressed an interest in working for a “walkable” Summit. At our Annual Meeting, members called for making the entire neighborhood safe and walkable for all residents, including children, the elderly and the disabled.
SNA has yet to organize a group to address this issue. If there are Summit residents interested in working on a “Walkable Summit” project, please call Jonathan Howard at 331-2272 and we will set up a first meeting.
Improvements are coming to Lippitt Park
Full PDF of planned improvements to Lippitt Park
1 Comment
greg stemas · May 20, 2006 at 10:21 am
Councilman or to whom:
What do you suggest for someone living in a different state where the city is requiring that the sidewallk slabs be replaced at the homeowner’s expense because of tree root lifting? your advice or legal basis would be most appreciated.
greg stemas Lincoln Park, Michigan homeowner
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