Fright Night Lite – Movie Night in Lippitt Park on October 19
The Providence Children’s Film Festival is delighted to partner up with Celebrate Providence and the Summit Neighborhood Association to present our second annual “FRIGHT NIGHT (lite)” show under the stars in Lippitt Park. With Halloween just around the corner this reel of shorts will hopefully get you in the mood for goosebumps, ghouls and things that go bump in the night. Most films allude to something a little scary but we are pretty sure you will sleep well afterwards. And similar to last year… If you stay for the last two, you might need to leave the lights on! (Rest assured, we’ll pause before presenting the last two films.) Popcorn will be poppin’ and hearts will be stoppin’. Dress warmly, pack a picnic, and bring a thermos of cocoa! This event and popcorn are FREE!
October 19, 2018, at 6:30pm
Note: This show is for all ages of people THAT LIKE to be scared a little and/or laugh at a film scene containing something possibly gross. These films are not officially rated but if they were we would guess PG. Age corresponds very poorly with enjoying horror/monster/pseudo gory themed films. Parents are strongly advised to use their own judgement when deciding whether this genre of film will work for themselves or their children.
Follow PCFF and/or SNA on Facebook for last minute changes due to weather. https://www.facebook.
Snow shovel brigade needs volunteers
The SNA Snow Brigade is planning for the coming winter. Volunteers help elderly and disabled neighbors who have difficulty clearing their walks and driveways, and who cannot easily pay for a service. If you or one of your Summit neighbors meet this description and would like assistance, please email organizers Britt Page and Tom Schmeling at Likewise, please email if you are willing to join the effort as a volunteer shoveler! Shovelers work in teams, trading off two-week shifts so that nobody has to commit for the entire winter.
Putting the garden to bed for the winter

Jessica and Read Porter clean out their plot.
The Summit Neighborhood Community Gardens in the Summit Avenue Park were tucked in for the winter Sunday as members of the gardening group finished their first season.
As Nancy Buron, head of the group, put it, “As temperatures dramatically plunged into the teens last week, our plants crisped and plunged as well. And so, the timing was good to gather for some chai, snacks, conversation, tidying-up, and garlic planting! There is a vast amount of gratitude to go around for making our very first season in the community garden successful and fun. Many forces converged to create a dynamic and beautiful space for community building and urban gardening in our neighborhood. Together, we’ve made something wonderful.”
For more, go to
Invitation to talk from Miriam
October 31, 2017
Dear Neighbors,
You are invited to attend a community meeting at The Miriam Hospital on Tuesday, November 7 at 6:00 p.m. in the Hurvitz Board Room. The Board Room is located near the Gift Shop on the first floor of the main hospital building.
The meeting will last about 30-45 minutes. During our time together, we will discuss our current and future construction projects as well as upcoming community relations activities planned for the holidays.
In addition to our presentations, we will have refreshments which will include Miriam’s delicious cookies. Please call The Neighborhood Hotline to RSVP at (401)-793-4040. I look forward to seeing you there!
Monica Anderson
Director Community Relations and Corporate Citizenship
Renovated Summit Avenue park open

The reopening ribbon flies after being cut by Mayor Jorge Elorza. Cheering him on are from left: Monica Anderson, Miriam Hospital; Amy Martinez, Friends of Summit Avenue Park; Nancy Buron, Summit Neighborhood Community Gardens; Ethan Gyles, SNA; Wendy Nilsson, Parks Department; Nirva LaFortune, Ward Three councilwoman; Meghan Gardner, city landscape architect; Helene Miller, Partnership for PVD Parks; Arthur Sampson, Miriam Hospital.
By Ethan Gyles
SNA board member
The second and final phase of upgrades at Summit Avenue Park have been completed, and a ribbon cutting to mark the occasion took place on Wednesday, October 25t.
Mild autumn rains held off long enough for remarks by Mayor Jorge Elorza and community leaders in commemorating the occasion. The mayor then wielded ceremonial scissors, snipped the bright orange ribbon, and officially opened the enhanced space to the public.
The second phase of park upgrades included concrete walks, a small wooden play bridge, climbable boulders, log seats, a “little lending library,” and a shade tree with a surrounding bench. Fresh grass, a play house, a new sandbox, jungle-gym repairs, and a lot of painting have also been completed. The first phase of the upgrades included the construction of the new community garden. The Summit neighborhood will benefit from this vibrant multi-use park for many years to come.
SNA sincerely thanks the numerous neighborhood volunteers who stepped up and volunteered their time and energy over the past several years to help bring this project from idea to reality. In no particular order, Read Porter, Jessica Porter, Kerry Kohring, Doug Itkin, Linda Gifford, Annie Voss-Altman, Sarah Hesson, Greg Gerritt, Melissa Dubose, Dean Weinberg, Nancy Buron, John Buron, Annalise Daly, Amy Martinez, and Martha Frankel. We’d also like to thank Mayor Elorza, City Councilor Nirva LaFortune, Parks Superintendent Wendy Nilsson, City Landscape Architect Meghan Gardner, Partnership for Providence Parks’ Helene Miller, and former Parks Director Bob McMahon.
Last, very special thanks go to The Miriam Hospital for their exceptionally generous donation to the project.
Art sale at local temple
Just in time for holiday gift shopping, the third annual Creative Hands Art Sale will feature a mixture of returning artists and new vendors. With local and regional artists and artisans as well as those from as far away as Missouri displaying and selling a variety of unique items, Creative Hands will offer a wide range of gifts not available elsewhere. Many media and materials, including painting, photography, jewelry, furniture, glass, wood, paper, textiles, metal, and polymer clay, will be represented. With items spanning a wide range of prices and a silent auction to be held throughout the day, Creative Hands will have something for every taste.
Whether you are looking for something beautiful, whimsical, practical, or just something a bit different for yourself or for a gift, you won’t want to miss Creative Hands. Admission and parking are free and the venue is handicapped accessible.