In addition to connecting our community through service, SNA promotes and carries out projects that create long-lasting improvements to the neighborhood we love.
North Main Street Revitalization
We’re working to revitalize and restore North Main Street, a once-great commercial district. We’re partnering with businesses and other area stakeholders to explore new solutions for the betterment of the street. Past work has included crosswalks to allow pedestrians to cross to the North Burial Ground safely. Current priorities include work to attract a grocery store to one of the vacant properties along the corridor.
Kerry Kohring Park
SNA has been working for many years to improve Kerry Kohring Park on Summit Avenue (also known as the “tot lot”). Our work, carried on in partnership with the Parks Department, includes renaming the park, developing the community garden, and overhauling the playscape and recreation facilities in the park.
SNA board member Kerry Kohring was a major contributor to park improvements, among his many other efforts. To recognize his importance to the community, SNA was proud to support the renaming of the park in his honor after his passing, a process completed in 2018.
SNA is the sponsor of the Summit Neighborhood Community Garden, which is located in Kerry Kohring Park. The garden project resulted from a years-long process to gauge community support, design the area, seek funding, and construct and manage the garden. The garden had its first season in 2017 and has become a valuable asset for the community. To learn more and sign up visit
SNA has also obtained funding for and supported the rehabilitation and improvement of the play area in the park in collaboration with the Providence Parks Department. The revitalized and improved playscape has proved hugely popular with neighborhood kids and will serve neighborhood families for years to come.
Lippitt Park Beautification
SNA has long worked to improve Summit’s iconic Lippitt Park – home to the farmer’s market, playscape, and myriad events throughout the year. Past projects have included restoration of the historic Henry Bowen Anthony Fountain in partnership with the City of Providence, replacement of a bronze plaque at the fountain, and installation of the Lippitt Park Playscape in partnership with Parents for Parks.
Currently, SNA is working to raise funding to install a bubbler at the head of the Blackstone Avenue pedestrian path. This will provide water to everyone enjoying the park, from joggers to farmer’s market attendees. Donations are needed – contribute today! In addition, SNA will be working to install a little free library in the playscape area in spring 2019.