From Providence Zoning….

Come view the proposed changes to the citywide Zoning Map at our open house on Tuesday, April 15th at 12:00pm or join us at one of our neighborhood meetings for a more in depth discussion of the proposed changes within each area of the City.

Open House: Citywide Zoning Map Changes

Tuesday, April 15, 12:00-1:30 PM
at the Joseph A. Doorley Municipal Building, 444 Westminster St.

Neighborhood meetings:

Upper South Providence, Lower South Providence, Elmwood,

South Elmwood, Washington Park Public Meeting

Tuesday, April 8, 5:30-7:30 PM
at the Southside Cultural Center, 393 Broad Street (Trinity Square)

(click here to view flyer and meeting agenda)

Olneyville, Smith Hill, Valley, Hartford, Silver Lake, Manton Public Meeting

Wednesday, April 9, 5:30-7:30 PM
at William D’Abate Elementary School, 60 Kossuth Street

(click here to view flyer and meeting agenda)

College Hill, Fox Point, Wayland, Mount Hope, Hope, Blackstone Public Meeting

Date and location to be announced.

Federal Hill, West End, Reservoir Public Meeting

Date and location to be announced.

Mount Pleasant, Elmhurst, Wanskuck, Charles Public Meeting

Date and location to be announced.

Come be a part of a comprehensive overhaul of the Zoning Ordinance, and help us reshape the future of development in Providence.

For more information, please visit the project website at or call 401.680.8400.