Committee head Greg Gerritt gets a little help laying out the perimeters of the garden fence. Photo by Nancy Buron

Committee head Greg Gerritt gets a little help laying out the perimeters of the garden fence.                Photo by Nancy Buron

Initial work on the community gardens portion of the planned redevelopment of the Summit Avenue tot lot has moved ahead despite the absence of the water-line installation.

About a dozen people assembled in the park early Saturday, April 23, to celebrate Earth Day by pruning a remaining tree and marking out where the garden fence is to go. Previously that week, the city Parks Department removed a small tree from the garden area, but with a promise to plant a new tree elsewhere.

R.P. Iannuccillo & Sons Construction, of Providence, the contractor for the water line, said that they had not yet scheduled the work for the Summit garden because they had several other locations included in the city’s project.

Categories: SNA