Seeking new board members!

SNA is seeking new board members for 2019-2020!

Board membership is a great opportunity to connect with fellow neighbors interested in contributing to a vibrant future for the Summit neighborhood. We lead projects, events, and programs with a goal of strengthening both the physical infrastructure and social fabric of our community.

If you’re interested in learning more, please contact SNAProv at gmail dot com and our nominating committee will be in touch!

Seeking Nominations for the 2019 Sheila B. Perlow Award

Named for the late Sheila Perlow, a long-time Summit Neighborhood Association board member and dedicated community volunteer, the Sheila B. Perlow Award recognizes someone in the neighborhood who quietly and behind the scenes contributed in a significant way to boosting the quality of life in our neighborhood.

We’re now seeking nominations for the 2019 award, which would be granted at SNA’s Annual Meeting this spring. Please e-mail nominations to SNAProv at gmail dot com by Friday, February 22.

Food pantry in need during government shutdown

With the ongoing federal government shutdown, volunteers from the Camp Street Ministries food pantry have shared worry that many of the folks who use their services and SNAP (federal nutrition assistance/food stamps) may be facing added challenges. While SNAP benefits for February are due to post on January 20th, they anticipate that folks may not be able to stretch their dollars as they might need, and that there may be no benefit at all the following month. This would in turn stretch Camp Street’s services as more folks seek them out, and their supplies are currently very low, so they’re asking the community for donations.

Their suggested items include:

-Canned tuna
-Canned vegetables – especially corn which they say is always a big hit
-Canned stews
-Pasta sauce – at the moment they have quite a bit of pasta that has been donated. But no sauce to pair with it.
-Pancake mix – the kind that only needs water added.
-Peanut butter
-Canned fruit – not applesauce

You may bring these items personally, during their open hours (Tuesday-Fridays 10am-3pm and Saturday 10-1pm). They’re located at 190 Camp Street. Alternatively, you can find a collection box at the circulation desk in the Rochambeau Library.

UPDATE: Note for those who wish to make a monetary donation instead: they will accept checks made out to “Camp Street Community Ministries”. A great video on the organization and what they do is below (thanks to Mike McGlynn for sharing)

Fright Night Lite – Movie Night in Lippitt Park on October 19

The Providence Children’s Film Festival is delighted to partner up with Celebrate Providence and the Summit Neighborhood Association to present our second annual “FRIGHT NIGHT (lite)” show under the stars in Lippitt Park. With Halloween just around the corner this reel of shorts will hopefully get you in the mood for goosebumps, ghouls and things that go bump in the night. Most films allude to something a little scary but we are pretty sure you will sleep well afterwards. And similar to last year… If you stay for the last two, you might need to leave the lights on! (Rest assured, we’ll pause before presenting the last two films.) Popcorn will be poppin’ and hearts will be stoppin’. Dress warmly, pack a picnic, and bring a thermos of cocoa! This event and popcorn are FREE!

October 19, 2018, at 6:30pm

Note: This show is for all ages of people THAT LIKE to be scared a little and/or laugh at a film scene containing something possibly gross. These films are not officially rated but if they were we would guess PG. Age corresponds very poorly with enjoying horror/monster/pseudo gory themed films. Parents are strongly advised to use their own judgement when deciding whether this genre of film will work for themselves or their children.

Follow PCFF and/or SNA on Facebook for last minute changes due to weather.

Get your map! Annual Yard Sale

Registrations to sell are now closed, but everyone interested in shopping for bargains should download their SNA Annual Yard Sale map here! You can also pick up a map, and do more bargain hunting, at our central hub at the Citizens Bank parking lot on Hope Street. See you around the neighborhood on Sunday!

Annual Yard Sale!

SNA Yard Sale

The SNA Annual Yard Sale will be Sunday, September 23rd from 10am to 2pm. Sign up today to get your yard on our map! Participants set up their own yard sales with the benefit of our centralized map and publicity driving up customers. Customers who are looking for bargains can grab a map in person at our central Citizens Bank parking lot location on Hope Street, or look at one online. There may be some spaces available at the Citizens Bank lot who wish to sell centrally, or who don’t have a suitable yard. Sign up here!

Debate Night Roundup


(Photo courtesy Steve Ahlquist,

SNA was pleased to co-host a primary debate night along with the Mount Hope Neighborhood Association, Observatory Neighborhood Association, and the Providence Cultural Equity Initiative. We invited all candidates facing a primary for public office across the three neighborhoods, which included the open R.I. House District 4 seat, R.I. Senate District 6, and the Providence mayoral race. It was a hot and humid August night in the MLK Elementary cafeteria, but it was fantastic to see our diverse community and the candidates hoping to represent us coming together to talk about the future of Providence and Rhode Island.

If you missed it, Steve Ahlquist of UpriseRI has full video, neatly organized here:

House 4 (Rebecca Kislak and Mark Tracy)

Senate 6 (incumbent Sen. Harold Metts and Jonathan Hernandez)

Mayor (incumbent Mayor Jorge Elorza, Kobi Dennis, and Robert DeRobbio)

The primary election takes place September 12th, 2018. The Rhode Island Secretary of State’s office maintains a handy Voter Information Center with everything you need to know about voting.

If you found value in this event, or other events, projects, and advocacy SNA organizes, please consider supporting us by joining as a donor or renewing your membership if it’s been more than a year. Thank you!

Second Summer Outdoor Movie Night!

Our first 2018 Summer Outdoor Movie Night in Lippitt Park was a big success, and drew quite a crowd!

Next Wednesday evening, August 22nd, is the second one! It’ll start shortly after sunset, which will be 7:35pm that day.

Providence Children’s Film Festival presents a reel of short films that are about people, with passions so strong that they live, practice, or focus more effort towards their goal than anything else they know. This reel was created to get people of all ages inspired to do stuff! One story is about a young Hungarian swimmer who races faster the more she practices. Another film is of a woman who finds empowerment swimming below the ice of a frozen lake. And just as passionate is a young girl trying to protect the eggs of sea turtles on her beach. Plus many more! What’s your passionate pursuit? (All ages / multi-national / multi-lingual / some films have subtitles / running time: appx. 80 mins)

Both PASSIONATE PURSUITS and MAGIC CARPET RIDE this summer were funded through a grant from the dept of Arts, Culture & Tourism. This grant covered the costs of both the Cricket Cinema to equip the screening and the licensing fees to the Providence Children’s Film Festival to support the creation of the shorts reels.”

movie nights