Present: Dean Weinberg, Jennifer Trayner, Mary Ann Rossoni, Sheila Perlow, Tom Schmelling, Jesse Polhemus, Kerry Kohring, Dan MacLellan, Harriet Hemphill, Britt Page, Grant Dulgarian, Anthony Arrigo, Claude Goldman, Peter Sandby-Thomas, and guest Gerherd Schulte.
7:06 p.m. Meeting called to order by Weinberg.
Treasurer’s report by Hemphill unanimously accepted.
Brief discussion of telephone system, questioning cost and responsibility. Noted that it was set up by former President John Bazik with calls to be forwarded to president
Music Festival – $3,000 grant received and theme to be New Orleans-style music. Committee formed including Weinberg, MacLellan, Polhemus, Hemphill and Perlow.
DIY Workshops – Composting techniques held at Pippa’s Papers on Hope Street. Polhemus reports Hope Street Merchants Assn. supportive
Hope Street Spring Block Party – Set for 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. May 19 with “Beers for the Ballet” and “gift bag getaways.” SNA to have table with volunteers MacLellan, Perlow and Kohring
North Main Street project – Allocation of $1,000 for plantings, either temporary or permanent, discussed with decision to redirect to prepay consultant/designer so funds would be distributed by June 30 in accord with rules of grant.
Yard sale – Options offered by committee of Polhemus and Gladstone. Decision made for central location at Church of the Redeemer on Hope Street on Sept. 29 (rain date Oct. 6) with participants bringing own items and selling them from space allocated by SNA. Fee would be charged with higher amount if church provides table. Committee to seek provision of music, refreshments, etc. Coordination with newsletter publication essential, with one issue in May announcing details of sale and another issue in September promoting sale.
Newsletter – Also to include discussion of overnight-parking ban in May issue and announcement of candidates’ night in September issue.
On-Street Overnight Parking – Decided to poll neighborhood via Internet on support for or against lifting ban plus op-in/opt-out mechanism. Polhemus to produce poll. Decision also to authorize Weinberg to tell mayor and other neighborhood organizations three points: that the SNA board disapproves of bypassing the City Council on expanding the “pilot project” of lifting the ban city wide; that the board supports transparency in the decision process; and that the board demands a public voice that process.
Community garden – Arrigo reported a few sites proposed, but Tot Lot at Summit and Eleventh Streets seemed most likely. Committee to follow up with a letter to the owner of the property to explore using part of area.
Farmers Market parking – Guests Bevan Linsley, manager, and one farmer/vendor discussed recurring complaints to city officials from one homeowner about parking congestion and subsequent proposal by city to limit parking by setting time limits and ticketing violators. Board rejected draconian city proposals, saw parking as a non-issue, voiced support for the farmers and the market and recommended that no action be taken. SNA newsletter to contain request to neighborhood to limit time parking in close proximity to market or park elsewhere to enjoy other aspects of community gathering. Farmers also seeking student-age person to put out traffic cones on market morning, which will be expanded to 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and begin May 19.
9:06 p.m. adjourn. Next meeting 7 p.m. May 21.
Respectfully submitted by Howie Gladstone