The meeting was convened at 7:04 PM.
Members Present: Jim Barfoot, Erik Christiansen, Grant Dulgarian, Anneliese Greenier, Vishal Jain, Kerry Kohring, Dan McClellan, Michael McGlynn, Sheila Perlow, Tom Schmeling, Emily Spitzman, Sharon Lee Waldman, Dean Weinberg, Karina Holyoak Wood.
Members Absent: Lee Clasper-Torch, Britt Page, Mark Tracy.
Guests: Marcel Mensah, Brendan Caprio, & Zack Mezera (Providence Student Union)
Welcome. Dean welcomed guests. Events in the last month included the cook-off, a newsletter, and an SNA statement on the Methyl Street KKK incident.
Minutes for the October meeting were unanimously approved on a motion by Kerry, which was seconded by Jim.
Providence Student Union.
Marcel is a representative for Classical High School. Brendan is from Hope High. Providence Student Union is a student empowerment group established in 2010. Issues they have been active on include bus passes and teacher evaluations. Recently, concerns were apparently raised concerning their canvassing the neighborhood to raise money and awareness about their group. Neighbors were wary of strangers coming to their doors soliciting funds. Jim suggested we send an email to the list before they canvass next time to inform neighbors about the group and its activities.
Treasurer’s report.
Last month’s minutes mention a $3,000 grant check from city. That check did arrive, but not in time to make it into the treasurer’s report. Tom moved, and Kerry seconded, approval of the report. Unanimously approved.
Other Reports
5th annual Cook-off.
Emily reported a successful event. 40 people attended despite horrid weather. There were 12 entries. Lynn from 7 Stars was welcoming and made it easy. Kerry put profiles of winners and recipes on SNA website. The Board congratulated Emily on her excellent management of this event.
Tom has not finished the statement regarding Miriam parking. Miriam has been told to expect it.
Mike reported that all 2015 memberships are in the database online. The next step is to get older data from Jim Barfoot. The goal is to have knowledge of when each membership expires. Dean suggested being ready to send notices and renewal reminders before the annual meeting.
Emily, Karina, Tom, and Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz will be holding the first public forum this Thursday.
Kerry reports good feedback on our statement regarding Methyl street. The city is pursuing it as a hate crime.
9th Street Tot Lot.
There are no updates on this project.
Methyl Street.
There have been no further racist incidents.
New business
Donation to Fresh For All fund.
We have a surplus in our music festival budget though we are not sure exactly how much, since there is an invoice still outstanding. We made $4500 on beer. Overall profit will be at least $3k. Miriam was the biggest contributor. They gave us a grant for $5k, with the condition that it be a charitable event for Fresh for All (AKA Farm Fresh Rhode Island) which was picked by us. Fresh For All solicited funds at the festival but did not collect much money (possibly due to competition from our beer sales?).
Tom moved that we donate $1,500 to the fund. Emily 2nd. Approved unanimously after a brief discussion.
Senate grant.
It’s time to submit our annual request for a $1,500 Senate grant. Ideas discussed include a snow blower for the shoveling brigade, mile markers for the Blackstone running path, neighborhood signs (“Keep Summit Beautiful”, etc.), a message board in Lippitt Park or on Hope street, and funds for neighborhood beautification projects.
Sherry moved to request funds for a combination of general neighborhood beautification, bulletin boards, signage, and plantings. Grant seconded. Unanimously approved. Sherry will write the grant.
The Hope Street Winter Stroll will be 12/3 from 4-8PM. Dean called from volunteers for the SNA table. Kerry, Lee and Erik volunteered.
Lecture series.
Dean announced on Mark’s behalf that the first will be on palliative care and will take place sometime after the holidays.
Advisory Board.
Tabled by Dean until next meeting.
East side monthly has asked for our proudest moments as an organization for their 40th anniversary issue. Email Kerry with your ideas.
No action has taken place.
Annual meeting.
Jim moved to hold this event on 4/26. Kerry 2nd. Unanimously approved.
December Board Meeting.
The scheduled date is right before the holidays. It will take place or not at the president’s discretion.
Meeting adjourned before 9:00pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Thomas Schmeling, Secretary.