The meeting came to order at 7:05p.m.

Members present: Anthony Arrigo, Jim Barfoot, Sierra Barter, Daren Bulley, Grant Dulgarian, Claude Goldman, Anneliese Greenier, Harriet Hemphill, Kerry Kohring, Daniel MacLellan, Britt Page, Sheila Perlow, Joan Retsinas,Thomas Schmeling, Dean Weinberg,

Guests: David Kolsky, Mike McGlynn sitting in for Martha Fraenkel.

1. New Board members were welcomed. Board members introduced themselves. Dean Weinberg and Tom Schmeling discussed the format of discussions and emphasized the need to remain focused in order to cover the agenda.

2. Minutes Kerry Kohring moved acceptance of the February minutes. Second by Anthony Arrigo. No discussion. Unanimously approved.

3. Treasurer’s report: Sheila moves to accept. Claud 2nd. Passes unanimously.

4. Membership. Jim Barfoot reports that his contributions in data base reflect only those on green slips that he has received.  D. Weinberg states that a goal for this year is to get a handle on the membership process.   Tom notes that board members should pay their dues.

5. Tom O’Donnell’s firing.  Dean  Weinberg notes that some library branch friends groups vote of no confidence on director.

6. Snow Shoveling Brigade. Brit Page and Tom Schmeling noted some problems but overall the program was beneficial.  We plan to do it again next year.

7. Grants. D. Weinberg reports that a $2500 State representative grant has been applied for.  Will be coupled with Senate grant (previously applied for, also $2500) and applied to Summit Ave. park. Our fundraising burden is $15k for this project. Summit music festival grant has been filed. $4000 requested.  Up from $3K request last year.

8. North Main Street. D. Weinberg reports that nothing that we asked for is going to happen: no raised xwalks, no curb extensions for pedestrians, no pavers. Design focused on moving RIPTA busses through quickly, not stopping.  “Mitigation” money that was designated has disappeared into the city budget. Smithfield avenue 2way is still TBA.

Some Good news on NMS: tree planting will go ahead.  Planning for fall festival has started.  Miriam is moving fall festival from Hope to NMS.  Festival will take place in sept. details to come.

9. Summit Ave Park.  Anthony Arrigo recapped for new members. WE have filed for grants(see above).  We are on the hook for $15,000. City will pick up the remainder.  Bob MacMahon has not returned calls for 7 months.  Miriam hospital has encouraged we apply for their community development grant. They don’t issue grants until October but they have offered a letter of commitment.  Anthony asked Bob if the letter would satisfy the city and Bob has not responded.  Dean and Anthony will work to get a response from Bob by next month.

10. Newsletter Kerry Kohring reports we are on track for May publication.  Will cover Egg hunt, new Board members,  businesses.

11. Crime Watch. Sheila Perlow reports all quiet on this front . Dean suggests interesting web site: crime  Mike announces an upcoming meeting with Lt. Ryan. Thursday, April 11,  6:00 p.m. at Nathan Bishop Middle School Cafeteria

12. New banners.  Dean shows us nifty new banners.

13. Easter Egg Hunt:  Egg stuffing will take place 10;30 Saturday at Anthony’s house. Egg hunt is  March 30th.  $5 tickets.  Britt: Miss America RI has indicated interest.  Jesse will work the table and collect money.  Anthony will send an email to the list serve pointing out that we are not the same group as the church.

14. Tshirts for SNA event staffers. Anthony reports they are ordered and will be here before the Easter egg hunt.

15. Membership Committee.  No chair. No members.   Last year we started sending out thank you cards for memberships and donations. Anthony Volunteers to chair.  Suggests social media be exploited.  Members volunteering:  Sierra Barter Anneliese Greenier, Harriet Hemphill,  Joan Retsinas,  Jim Barfoot,  Sheila Perlow. Tom moves to establish this committee with these volunteers.  Claude 2nd.  Passes unanimously. Committee will select its own chair.

Dean notes we need to establish what membership requires.  What benefits?  Sierra suggests coupons similar to those used by WBNA.  Window stickers suggested, also member discounts for rummage sale.   How do we increase membership?

16. Lippitt Park.  Kerry notes  other neighborhood assns are having clean up days for earth day and asked do we want to do this?  General view was NMS needs clean up, but Lippitt is clean. Dan McClellan will be attending a meeting of park cleaners.  He will report back about recycling next meeting.

17. Advisory board:  Dean reports: no answer from George.  Suggested we should ask Gayle Golden. Liz will stay on. No answer from Carol. Tom moves that Dean and or designees come up with a list of prospective advisory board members to be reviewed next meeting.  Names will be kept confidential.  Approved without objection

9:00 pm. Adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:  Thomas Schmeling


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