Summit Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting

Monday December 17th, 2012
SNA President D. Weinberg commences meeting at 7:06 p.m.

Attending: Dean Weinberg, Jesse Polhemus, Anthony Arrigo, Harriet Hemphill, Thomas Schmeling, Kerry Kohring, Shelia Perlow, Analise

Meeting minutes approved from last month’s meeting

Fundraising Letter: Weinberg suggested we review fundraising letter.  Pros and cons of inserting the fundraising letter into the newsletter, vs. mailing letter, vs. including fundraising letter as a panel on the distributed newsletter.

Weinberg moves that fundraising letter be sent out to current listing.  Motion is carried.

Schmeling moves that newsletter include fundraising letter in some format.  Motion is carried.

Polhemus moves to include fundraiser in body of the newsletter and not as an added insert.  Motion is carried.

Treasurer’s report: Treasurer’s report for last month reviewed. Winberg moves to approve the treasurer’s report.  Arrigo seconds.  Motion approved.

Gayle Golden: Gayle Golden introduced at meeting. Golden working on paid family leave updates similar to California and New Jersey. Interested in changing benefits for TDI to increase coverage for paid family leave to allow other parent to stay at home as well, and extends benefits to immediate family members.

Polhemus asked about historical preservation tax credits.  Legislative grants are ways that Senator can help the neighborhoods.  Piva Weed said that marriage equality will come to the floor.  Senator Golden feels that marriage equality is a civil rights issue, which is the responsibility of the legislature to uphold, not to place the responsibility on the electorate to decide.  Gun legislation will be a possibility in light of the recent shootings in Connecticut.  Arrigo asked Golden was asked by education equality in Rhode Island.

North Main Street: Weinberg gives update about North Main Street construction.  No change in status, but still aiming for raised crosswalks and artworks.  RIPTA, Planning, and Narragansett Bay Commission, still discussing what is going to happen.

Kohring says newsletter will cover annual meeting, fall bakeoff, and other things that are happening around the neighborhood.

Crime Watch: Crime watch meeting was held at Miriam Hospital.

T-Shirts: Weinberg moves that Shelia investigate cost of T-shirts for SNA board members to wear at events. Arrigo seconds.  Motion carried.

Board memberships: Board looking for people interested in serving on the board.  Jesse asks that board members each identify one new person to come to the meet and greet slated to be held at Hope Street Pizza from 12:00-2:00 on January the 13th.  Nominating officers is vague in the bylaws.  No formalized procedure in the bylaws, but if people are interested they can put forth nominations.  Harriet will not continue as treasurer next year.  If members do not want to continue, let the nominating committee know.  If members want to serve as officers, they should let the nominating committee know.

Advisory Board: Weinberg suggests that advisory board needs to be reinvigorated.  Will ask advisory board to begin meeting on a biannual basis, and asking advisory board to become more involved in the SNA board.  Without objection Weinberg defers topic of advisory board members to January meeting.  In the interim, board members should forward names for advisory board to Weinberg for consideration at next SNA meeting in January.

Neighbors Attending: Karen Eisenberg visiting who lives on Greaton Drive.  Concerned about water/sewer/gas construction interfering with her property.  Also lack of notification about construction in the NBC project.  Also concerned about Miriam Hospital van parking in front of her driveway.  SNA will provide Jamie Salmons’ information at Narragansett Bay Commission.

Annual Meeting: Polhemus moves that annual meeting be set for February 25th.  Motion carried.

Annual meeting agenda.  Weinberg suggested that we change the format of the annual meeting by having a keynote speaker that would be recognized by the community.  Polhemus motions that board will vote via email on a speaker so that we can meet the deadline for the newsletter.  Motion carried.

Snow Shoveling: Schmeling reports that snow shoveling is in flux.  Snow shoveling committee will meet tomorrow to discuss ideas on what will come next.

Community Garden: No new update on community garden as of now.  Arrigo will contact Bob McMahon at the Parks Department to see where we stand on the project.  SNA has $2500 grant available that could be applied to garden project.  Item tabled until January meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 9:11 p.m.


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