The meeting was called to order at 7:07

Members Present: Erik Christiansen, Grant Dulgarian, Anneliese Greenier, Vishal Jain, Kerry Kohring, Michael McGlynn, Britt Page, Tom Schmeling, Dean Weinberg, Karina Holyoak Wood.

Members Absent: Jim Barfoot, Lee Clasper-Torch, Dan MacLellan, Sheila Perlow, Sharon Lee Waldman, Emily Spitzman, Mark Tracy.

Guests: Virginia Pires (new neighborhood resident)

Minutes for July were unanimously approved on a motion by Tom and seconded by Kerry.

President’s report

The Music Festival was a great success. Kerry distributed comments from the listserv, which were very favorable. We don’t have an exact count of attendees and counting was difficult because there was a lot of coming and going during the day, but there were somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000 attendees. We have a financial surplus but we are not yet sure how much it is. We will discuss this next month.

The proposed joint MHNA/SNA meeting is still being planned. We are waiting to hear from MHNA. Attendees from SNA will include the four officers (Dean, Kerry, Vishal, Tom) plus Britt Page and Lee Clasper-Torch.

The discussion on the Advisory Board, which was tabled in July, will occur next month.

On traffic issues, Tom has reached out to RI-DOT about the Speedway (formerly Hess) traffic issue on North Main and to the City about Hope street crosswalks.

Treasurer’s Report

The books on last weekend’s music festival have not yet been closed, so we are postponing the report until next month.

Program and Committee Reports

Yard Sale (Britt). Only one person has registered so far, but this is not shocking because the newsletter came out late. Britt is working on getting musical performers set up. Britt will email the listserv to remind people to sign up and Dean will post something on Facebook. We discussed the logistics of getting the tables out of the church and set up on the lawn, which is always a bit difficult. Volunteers would be welcome, but we might try to enlist the vendors to haul their own tables.

Summit Ave Park (Kerry). Construction will be done in phases. The city is ready to go ahead with the garden portion, starting with installation of water lines. There was concern that this will cause some neighbors to worry whether the playground portion will get lost. We are talking to neighbors about their concerns and will make sure commitments are kept. The ad hoc committee is working on planning the governance and funding structures.

Membership Committee (Michael). Committee is thinking about how to distribute our new window stickers. We got a few new memberships out of the music festival. Karina noted that we should take advantage of the good feeling generated by the music festival to reach out to solicit new members.


Yard Sale August 17, 2015 (see above)

Fall cook-off in October. This usually takes place right before Halloween so we can have a kids costume competition. However, we need an organizer for the event. An incentive is that the organizer gets to pick the main ingredient. The last four events were focused on apples, pumpkin, squash and cranberries.

Kerry is thinking about organizing holiday caroling again this year. Dean suggested coordinating somehow with the west side caroling WBNA organizes.


The next newsletter will come out right after the fall cook-off. Kerry is looking for a review of the music festival for this issue.

New Business

Hope street fall festival sponsored by the HSMA is Sunday 9/20 from noon to 4 (or 6). They would like us to sponsor an open mic. We need someone to oversee and staff the SNA table. Erik Christiansen volunteered. Another volunteer would be helpful.  Please consider this and contact Erik.

Pass the ‘Gansett Relay. Dean had circulated an email regarding this. We are looking for an SNA team to run this race. Mark Tracy will participate. Dean will send an email to the listserv soliciting neighbors to join the SNA team.

Summit Lecture Series. Mark Tracy would like to organize a speaker series. Contact him if you have ideas for this.               

Meeting Adjourned 7:52

Respectfully Submitted, Thomas Schmeling, Secretary


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