Guest: Adam Tilove, head of Jewish Community Day School of Rhode Island.
Need approval
Changing spelling of Jim Kelley’s name in SNA nonprofit status
- Sheila moved, Anneliese seconded, passed unanimously
Treasurer report
- Sheila moved, Peter seconded, passed unanimously
Committee report
Events: $6500 brought in from SNA Music Festival
- Have to pay park ranger $210
- Pay body painter
- Harriet moved $500-$1000 for spending for the festival. Joan seconded, passed unanimously
- Other notes for the event:
- Mayor speaking at 3:30pm
- Kids Karate, tent for table
- Anthony to update email list with signups at events
Upcoming Events
- House Tour/Walking Tour
- Ladies Wine Night
- Yard Sale: Britt, Sept. 21
North Main Project
- Work on Smithfield Avenue is in the works
- $220,000 from the Narragansett Bay Commission
- Grant: wants a breakdown of how the money is spent
Adjournment at 7:58pm