The meeting was convened at 7:05 p.m.

Members Present, Anthony Arrigo, Jim Barfoot, Chris Bull, Grant Dulgarian, Martha Frankel, Anneliese Greenier,, Kerry Kohring, Sheila Perlow, Joan Restinas, Tom Schmeling, Peter Standby Thomas, Dean Weinberg (President)

Members Absent: Sierra Barter, Daren Bulley, Harriet Hemphill, Daniel MacLellan, Britt Page, Jesse Polhemus, Mary Ann Rossoni,

Visitors: Vishal Jan (neighbor), Lucy Ann Lepreau, Liberty Goodwin, Delia Kovac.

Opening Remarks (Dean) A portion of our next meeting will be devoted to the ongoing revision of the city’s zoning plan

Welcome Guests

Liberty Goodwin.– Toxics information project is working on food concerns this year. Cutting cost and being healthy on a budget 2) GMOS factory farming and pesticides especially a labeling bill.

Delia Kovac from Urban Greens Food Co-op made a presentation about the organization. They have 530 members, including a group from Summit. Members own the business and have a say in how it is run. A council elected from among members. The buyers club gets near-wholesale, with monthly pickup of food items.
The will be opening a west-side store. Will take SNAP. They are hoping for 600 members by end of year. The provide programs for preserving, using local food, etc.

Approval of Minutes of August Meeting. We did not have minutes from August. Sierra took them but they have not been received. Dean will contact Sierra. There was no September meeting.

Summit Music Festival wrap-up (Dean). Dean thanked board members who helped with set up and on the day of the festival. In return, the Board thanked Dean for his hard work.
$8,000 was spent and $8485 was brought in. The city was pleased with the cleanup.

Yard Sale wrap-up (Peter). We received about $500 income from 28 sellers 16 table-renters. The was a question regarding how much is allocated to give to the church for hosting the event. It was decided to defer that question until next meeting when all info about profit is in. Dean advocated bringing music performers back next year.

Treasurer’s Report – (Dean presented for Harriet) Jim asks about an unclear general operations/expense amount of $388. Dean will ask Harriet. Martha moved to receive the report. Kerry 2nd. Passed unanimously.

3rd Annual Summit Cook-Off (Anthony). The event will take place Tuesday 10/29 at 6:30 p.m. at Stock. Judges will come from Stock, Sandwich Hut and (possibly) the olive oil store. The theme will be cranberries. Halloween costumes are encouraged. Kerry moved to allocate $100 for provisions for the event. Second by Jim. Passed unanimously.

Committee Reports

Tot Lot/ community garden (Anthony). Anthony talked to Monica Anderson of Miriam Hospital. He has sent a grant proposal for $12.5k toward the renovations. Miriam will start reviewing the grant in mid November and we should know by first week of December. If successful, this would bring us close to the amount we are required to raise. Dean notes that timing will be rough for planting next year. Chris points out that we will need to have people ready to plant and they might start seeds at home.
Dean notes that SNA will not run the garden. We need to establish committee to do so, organize volunteer days to build the plots (which is our job).

Events Committee (Dean). Dean reports that there is nothing new to report. Anneliese talked to Anisa Raoof about caroling this holiday season. Anisa has said that she is too busy. Anneliese will explore the possibility of continuing this. Anthony suggests working with HSMA on this. Liberty would like to work with us on events related to her food projects. Dean offered to help her put together a cosponsored event.

Newsletter Committee (Kerry). We are on track for another newsletter in Jan or Feb. A question was asked about linking to crime reports for our website. It was mentioned that the College Hill N.A. has been doing this but can’t anymore because city is no releasing reports.

North Main Street Committee ( Dean). The conversion to 2-way traffic on Smithfield Ave. is happening.

Show shoveling Brigade (Tom). Tom will talk to Britt about restarting this again.

Miscellaneous Items

Anneliese was at the Cyclovia Event, as were Jim, Joan and Kerry, who set up table to advertise neighborhood association.

Dean- noted that there will be a meeting of neighborhood association heads tomorrow at Roger Williams park casino. Kerry suggests asking about the College Hill crime watch presentation.
It was noted again that next month the city will present at our Board meeting regarding changes to zoning law. Martha noted that zoning is supposed to align with Neighborhood Plan.

Dean noted that the overnight parking 18 month “pilot program” is ending but has been extended indefinitely by the city.

Adjourned at 8:45.

Next meeting – Monday, November 18.

Respectfully Submitted: Thomas Schmeling, Secretary


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