The meeting was convened at 7:05 p.m.
Members Present: Jim Barfoot, Chris Bull, Grant Dulgarian, Vishal Jain, Kerry Kohring, Daniel MacLellan, Michael McGlynn, Sheila Perlow, Joan Retsinas, Thomas Schmeling, Sharon Lee Waldman
Members Absent: Sierra Barter, Anneliese Grenier, Britt Page, Lee Pichette, Mary Ann Rossoni, Peter Sandby-Thomas.
Guests: David Kolsky, Cy O’Neill, Marcus Mitchell
Guest Presentation. Cy O’Neill presented information about the proposed formation of Providence Village, a network of resources for seniors. It is based on a model developed in Boston 15 years ago, when a group of Seniors decided they had no intention of moving to a “retirement home.”
They encourage people 60+ to go to and complete their survey. They’ve had 230 responses of a goal of 400.
9 or 10 folks have been meeting twice a week on this project. They are working on goals for winter and spring. They would need part time staff and are working on raising money for this purpose. They are developing a business plan and a marketing plan
Minutes. Sharon moved and Mike seconded approval of the November minutes. Approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s report. Anneliese can’t be here and the report has not been distributed.
Annual meeting. We approved an April date, but the newsletter shows that the meeting is May 20. Sharon moved and Sheila seconded moving the meeting to May 20th. Unanimously approved. The venue will be the Highland retirement center.
Bob McMahon retirement. Mike moved up to $150 for a gift to remember Bob’s service to the community. Sheila seconded Motion unanimously approved. In order to avoid any appearance of impropriety, the gift will be given after the retirement takes place.
Zoning committee. The zoning ordinance has been passed. Grant will bring one point per month. The planning department will be presenting the ordinance to the public to answer questions at 5pm on Tuesday, Feb3. 444 Westminister St. 1st floor.
Membership Committee. A number of new memberships have been received. The quarterly listserv reminder has gone out.
Events. No report this month.
Newsletter. The newsletter has been distributed to the deliverers
Snow brigade. The brigade has been formed but we have had little snow so far.
Summit listserv. There was a brief discussion of the regular reappearance of the NSA troll. No action is contemplated.
Happy news. Board member Chris Bull announced the imminent arrival of his new daughter. All wish the family well.
Tom moved adjournment. Dan seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:18pm.
Respectfully submitted, Thomas Schmeling SNA Secretary