Summit Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
October 15, 2018
Present: Erik Christiansen, Ethan Gyles, Anna Highsmith, Britt Page, Kathleen Rourke, Tom Schmeling, Sharon Lee Waldman, Dean Weinberg
Absent: Lee Clasper-Torch, Anneliese Greenier, Anne Holland, Sandra Lee, John Pettinelli, Laura Ramsey
Guests: Grant Dulgarian
Additions: Ethan adds discussion of visual identity prepared by Anna and Cyrus Highsmith.
Minutes: Approval of September meeting minutes. Anneliese moved, Kathleen seconded. Approved.
SNA Visual Identity: Anna presented the design and explained the idea. Discussion and effort to find consensus followed. Consensus reached to move forward with the arrow/house design, with a few requests for changes.
Ongoing Business:
- Priorities session continued: Group discussion of the items on the spreadsheet in order to determine which of the ideas will be undertaken in the short term.
Adjournment: Anna moved to adjourn. Sharon seconded. Adjourned.
Next Board Meeting Monday, November 19th.