
Summit Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
May 21, 2018

Members Present: Annaliese Greenier, Ethan Gyles, Anna Highsmith, Sandra Lee,
Britt Page, Read Porter, Kathy Rourke, Thomas Schmeling, Dean Weinberg.
Members Absent: Erik Christiansen, John Pettinelli, Laura Ramsey, Sharon Lee

Guests: Jonathan Berard, Michael Bradlee, Rui David, Grant Dulgarian, Sean
Michalek, Jennifer Wieting.
Following Introductions, Jonathan Berard, Michael Bradlee, and Jennifer Wieting
from Zero Waste Providence opened a discussion about a prospective ban on plastic
bags. He reported that such bags are not recyclable. While they are 5% of the plastic
stream, they account 80% of wildlife death caused by plastics.
Councilman Ryan introduced measure to ban plastic bags in the City and place a fee on
thicker reusable bags. There would be some exemptions. This is modeled on similar
bills from around country. Some feel that such a ban places an unfair burden on low
income people. Racial and environmental justice committees talked to mayor, who
vetoed bill.
The Ryan bill will be reintroduced. Zero Waste Providence has FB page and Jonathan
invited people to reach out to him through that or at JBerard@cleanwater.org.
Treasurer’s Report. Britt Page reported that it’s been a busy few weeks. We took in
$475 in membership fees and sold a few tee shirts. Expenses included $480 for the
annual meeting and $415 for printing. The $150 mini-grant for garden has already been
spent. $655 in donations came in for the Lippitt Park bubbler. Proceeds from the
Shanty Sing at The Parlour will add another $150.

Membership committee. No report.

Newsletter. Deadlines from Art Norwalk for summer newsletter were discussed. Each
board member should produce 1 items (paragraph, poem, photo) due to Art June 11.
Expect a July 2 distribution to deliverers. Possible topics: the bubbler, outdoor movie
night (needs dates), Hope Street Fair June 2 nd , Reed will provide something for Earth
day / Naming of Kohring park, profiles of candidates, info on candidate night, Yard Sale

Events committee.
•Hope Street fair. Volunteers are needed to staff the SNA booth. Anneliese will cover
•Candidate Forum- Ethan is working with Eugene Montiero on setting the date.
They are aiming for the 3 rd of 4 th Week of July. Candidates from any contested race –
city or state- will be invited. The city council and state senate seats have no opposing candidates at this point. The question arose: should we include governor’s race? If
so, it was thought that we should probably have two separate events.
•Gayle Gifford suggested a panel on the sale of water system. We will facilitate
space and advertising. She will do legwork. We agree to do this. MLK was
suggested as venue. Ethan will talk to Aaron Regunberg and Kathy will talk to Greg
• Kerry Kohring Park naming event. June 9 th
•Movie night. Dates are not locked down. Possibly two nights- summer and fall.
•Keep Summit Beautiful street signs will continue to go up.

Garden Committee. Read. Dirt and mulch have been delivered. 20+ beds are
growing. They have hired a Garden Manager, Sophie O’Connell. The Earth Day
celebration is funded with a mini-grant from the Parks Department to buy tools. Some
tree trimming was done.

SNA / Mount Hope NA cooperation. The candidate forum will be part of this but,
otherwise, it remains an aspiration rather than a reality.

Rui David, representing the Hope Street Farmers’ Market, expressed his continued
desire to work with and stay connected to SNA.

Budget Priorities- Ethan expressed his desire to have further discussion of the SNA
budget priorities but, as the hour was getting late, this was tabled.

-Respectfully submitted- Tom Schmeling (Secretary Pro Tempore)