Summit Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
June 18, 2018
Present: Erik Christiansen, Ethan Gyles, Britt Page, Laura Ramsey, Kathleen Rourke, Tom Schmeling, Sharon Lee Waldman, Dean Weinberg
Absent: Lee Clasper-Torch, Anneliese Greenier, Anne Holland, Sandra Lee, John Pettinelli,
Guests: Grant Dulgarian
Additions: Anna asks to add to the agenda a discussion of the SNA pamphlet under ongoing business.
Minutes: Approval of May and April meeting minutes. Tom moved, Dean seconded. Approved.
President’s Report: Hope Street Festival successful in terms of generating interest, members. Kohring family participated in a public ceremony at the renamed Kerry Kohring Park. State Senate grant of $1500 received
Treasurer’s Report: Britt Page reports $265 in new memberships and $378 in garden expenses.
Membership Committee: Tom reports that we have ditched the database that we were paying for in favor of Nynox, which costs $10/month. Immediate goal of putting the full membership form on the webpage. Hoping to have the database up and running and the webform up and running by the end of summer.
Newsletter Committee: Ethan reports it is ready to print. Art Norwalk will handle printing, then the counting meeting will need to be done while he is away. Kathy volunteers to host the meeting (if on Sunday or Monday). Ethan will contact Art and Liz to begin arranging the meeting.
Events Committee: Candidate Forums 7/26 and 8/9: Ethan met with Mt. Hope association about co-hosting forums for state rep and mayoral race. They settled on two potential nights and agreed that the format used last summer worked well. One night of community/constituent questions and candidate listening, and one night of traditional candidate forum. Discussion followed about the format, how to divide up the races and candidates, and whether or not to add a gubernatorial forum, perhaps later and in coordination with the Jewish Alliance (and Mt. Hope). Anna suggests that Ethan talk more to Mt. Hope and find out if Mike Ritz is available to host again before we make a final decision. Also, the filing deadline is June 27th, so we can see if there are more candidates and more contested races. Consensus is that if there are no more candidates/races, and Mike is available, we will try the undebated format again.
Movie Nights 8/1 and 8/22. Ethan announces the dates and says everything else will be announced later.
Ongoing Business:
- “Keep Summit Beautiful” signs: No update.
- Lippitt Park “Little Free Library” proposal: Ruth Brendell of Friends of Rochambeau Library has proposed a little free library for Lippitt Park. Consensus to support it, since they are offering to build, stock, and maintain it. Sharon offers to run an art contest, and Anna offers to implement the winner’s design. Dean moves to accept the proposal as discussed, with a children’s art contest, perhaps with sponsorship from Jerry’s Artarama – Sharon will check on that.
- Summit-Mt. Hope community-building: see above.
New Business:
- pamphlet: Anna offers to edit the existing pamphlet and bring a draft to next meeting.
- SNA Brainstorm and Budget Priorities Workshop: Ethan will solicit ideas via email, and begin to build an agenda.
Adjournment: Tom moved to adjourn. Britt seconded. Adjourned.
Next Board Meeting Monday, July 16th.