Summit Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
February 19, 2018
Present: Lee Clasper-Torch, Sandra Lee, Erik Christiansen, Anneliese Greenier, Ethan Gyles, Britt Page, Laura Ramsey, Tom Schmeling, Emily Spitzman
Absent: Anne Holland, John Pettinelli, Sharon Lee Waldman, Dean Weinberg
Guests: Jennifer Cook, Grant Dulgarian.
Minutes: Approval of January meeting minutes. Anneliese moved, Anne seconded. Approved.
President’s Report: Renaming Summit Ave Park process continues. Waiting on Parks Department to convene board. Candidate forum: Ray Watson of Mt. Hope Association wants to hold “undebates” city-wide, following the success of these events last election cycle.
Treasurer’s Report: $33,680 in Checking Account. Newsletter printing and website hosting expenses paid. Also a payment to Southside Community Land Trust for items for the community garden.
Summit Community Garden: Update will come, from Dean and/or Reed.
North Main St. Committee: Needs some life injected into it. Discussion of whether it’s worth continuing the committee, consensus is yes. Lee and Erik expressed interest in pursuing some ideas, including signs for historic sites/tour.
Newsletter Committee: Remains open. Proposal for SNA board members to do a simple write-up and submit it to Art for fleshing out, editing, layout, printing. Need someone to oversee all events to make sure some board member attends and writes about it. Brainstorming events and other content followed.
Events Committee: Ethan reports that Eric (Children’s Film Festival) reached out about doing a series of movie nights this summer. The board supported the idea, pending details.
Snow Brigade: Continues to function very well.
Ongoing Business:
- Annual meeting preparations: Anneliese contacted the executive director at the Highlands about scheduling for the 23rd of April. The date is available and she’s working out the details. Volunteers will be needed before and during the meeting. Anneliese, Sandra, Erik, Lee, and Emily all volunteered. Discussion of speakers, possibly elected officials, and whether or not SNA will give an award for service this year. Consensus reached that current elected officials (not candidates for office) should come to give updates.
- “Keep Summit Beautiful” signs: need update from Dean.
- Miriam grant application: Ethan talked to Monica and got a brief extension for the grant application. He submitted request for $6000 for a drinking fountain for Lippitt Park and Miriam Hospital approved the request. Some additional funding will be needed.
- Summit-Mt. Hope: see candidate forums above.
New Business:
Ward 3 Non-profits Meeting: Anneliese reports on this meeting, called by Nirva LaFortune for the purpose of revitalizing the group, and held at Miriam Hospital. YMCA, Billy Taylor House, Mt. Hope Learning Center, Mt. Hope Community Health Organization, Family Services of RI, Jewish Family Services, and Everett Dance Company. The plan is to hold regular meetings a few times a year.
Hope Street Spring Festival: Saturday June 2. Question of whether or not SNA should secure a table, and the consensus is yes. Sandra offered to sit at the table.
SNA’s garden plot dues: Need information from community garden committee.
Adjournment: Ethan moved to adjourn. Sandra seconded. Adjourned.
Next Meeting Monday, March 19th