Summit Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
December 11, 2017
Present: Erik Christiansen, Lee Clasper-Torch, Anneliese Greenier, Ethan Gyles, Sandra Lee, Britt Page, Laura Ramsey, , Tom Schmeling, Emily Spitzman, Sharon Lee Waldman, Dean Weinberg
Absent: Anne Holland, John Pettinelli
Guests: Paul and Margie Smith, Grant Dulgarian.
Moment of Silence for Kerry Kohring
Minutes: Approval of October meeting minutes. Anneliese moved to approve, Sharon seconded. Approved.
President’s Report: Ethan recognized Kerry’s service to SNA and also spoke about the success of SNA events this fall.
Treasurer’s Report: Snow brigade is up and running. Newsletter expenses this month.
Snow Brigade: Difficulty finding volunteers in all areas. Seven volunteers – all repeat volunteers from last year. Still need someone near 31 Summit Ave. City of Providence is running a snow shoveling program that had been run by a non-profit, but it’s not clear how we might help with that.
Summit Park/ Community garden: Opening and mayor’s visit on Oct. 25th went well. Still hoping for phase three to happen (tricycle track, swing set, etc.).
Membership Committee: No report.
Newsletters: Someone will need to take this on fairly soon. Next newsletter will go out in April, prior to the annual meeting. Kerry also managed most of the website, so someone will need to step up there as well.
Events Committee: Emily reported that more than 300 people came to the first movie night, so it was very successful. Dean suggests continuing with movie nights next spring. Caroling for a Cause: Sandra has volunteered to run it this year. Group discussion followed, focusing on how it has run in the past, and how this year could feature a tribute to Kerry, most likely at the beginning. Dean reports that the West Broadway caroling event, which gathers 300-400 people, will be dedicated to Kerry this year. Ethan adds that Nirva LaFortune asked the city council to recognize Kerry at their next meeting, which they will do.
New Business:
Friends of India Point Park – Power Line RI Supreme Court Amicus Brief: Ethan explains the background, which is that the City of Providence is asking the Supreme Court to remand the issue of overhead power lines across the Seekonk River to the EFSB with instructions to study the feasibility of ways to bury some of the lines.
Dean moves we write letter of support, Lee seconded. Dean makes an amended motion to sign the letter that the Friends of India Point Park has asked us to sign, Sandra seconded the amended motion.
State Senate Grant Application: We need to file the application by next week. Discussion of what we would request money for, including perhaps movie screen rental or phase three of Summit Ave playground. Ethan also discussed with Wendy the prospect of renaming the park after Kerry Kohring. Motion made by Dean to write the grant application for the betterment of our local neighborhood parks, including Summit Ave. Park. Dean is writing the application.
Miriam Grant Application: Up to $12,000 grant. Emily suggests applying for the money to be used for MLK Elementary School playground renovation. Emily will take a look at the grant application and check with Monica at Miriam. Other possibility might be to use the money for phase three of Summit Ave playground.
Providence Administrative TSA: Tax Stabilization Agreement to promote economic development, run administratively rather than politically, is being proposed by Mayor Elorza and some council members. Council members under this new plan would not vote on projects, and there would be no public hearing, so there may be some loss of public oversight. But it may create a fairer system – we need more information from Nirva and from the mayor’s office.
Ongoing Business:
Inspiration Workshop: Ethan says responses for December meeting were slight, so we’ll try again in the near future.
Other updates: Emily reports that the fall cook-off was again a big success. Erik reports on the successful North Burial Ground Halloween event, which saw 140 attendees this year.
Adjournment: Dean moves to adjourn, Sharon seconded. All in favor.
Next Meeting Monday, January 22 (moved from Jan 15, which is MLK Day).