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*  Blaze
*  Blue Cottage
*  Camera Werks
*  CreaTOYvity
*  Edward Jones
*  Festival Ballet
*  Flying Shuttles
*  Fountain Apothecary
*  Frog and Toad
*  Green River
*  Judaic Traditions
*  Po Chue's
*  Ye Ol' Books




One of the latest additions among the neighborhood merchants is Creatoyvity. This unique establishment was brought to Hope Street by owner Russ John, an East Side resident. It began as a small toy business with offices in Wayland Manor, concentrating on wholesale and a website business. When the right space became available, Russ and his wife jumped at this opportunity, and opened their establishment.

The East Side and Hope Street area was chosen because of "clientele-creativeness," and the impact it can have on children.

Parties, Too

Creatoyvity is not just a toy store. It is a place to bring your children to express their creativeness and to have fun at the same time. It is also a place to hold your child's next party. For your convenience, refreshments can be brought into the party area, it it can be furnished for a minimal charge. Creative parties are available for children ages 4 and up. The theme of parties is based upon age and interest. Best of all, when the party is over, the STAFF cleans up everything. On weekends only there is a minimum requirement of 10 participants for a party booking.

Russ has a BA degree from the University of Chicago, and feels that his education helps him operate a successful business. Employing humor, and realizing that the grass can be blue and the sky green and that most anything goes is this entrepeneur's philosophy.

"Be Goofy"

So if you are looking for a fun and unique place to hold a party, contact Russ or a member of his friendly staff. All are invited to come down and have fun and "be goofy."

808 Hope Street
Tel. 351-5718
This Page Last Updated: Wed Dec 7 01:19:40 2005