The upcoming zoning board hearing has an agenda item in Summit that may be of interest to neighbors.



Categories: SNA


Ethan Gyles · July 28, 2018 at 12:37 pm

Hi Claire,

Would you and fellow neighbors concerned about this be able to attend SNA’s August meeting on Monday the 20th at 7pm at 99 Hillside Avenue (Summit Commons)? Yours is the first we’ve had feedback on neighbor concern (didn’t receive any via our posts about this to our Facebook page or email listserv since posting in June). Certainly we’re here to serve if it’s demonstrated to us that there is a problematic proposal for neighbors. At first glance, we took no action because this looked to us like a good proposal based on the following: proximity to the transit corridor (R-Line Bus) on North Main, an existing parking lot behind the building, the clear need for more affordable and mid-rate housing in Providence, and the fact that we heard the structure had long been dormant and disused. We do have a major housing crunch and prices are climbing, so more housing particularly along transit corridors where there is less need for parking and car use is a positive. That being said, the particulars may still be a problem for nearby neighbors and we’d like to hear that. Please email us at SNAProv at gmail dot com if you’re able to do so, and we’ll add an agenda item.

Best regards,
Ethan Gyles
President, SNA

Claire Flynn · July 25, 2018 at 6:22 pm

I would like to see SNA support neighbors living near the old St. Raymond,s Rectory at 18 Eighth Street in their opposition to the developer trying to put 19 units in a building advertised as a 10 bed building. The parking on both Eighth and Ninth Streets is already very crowded with many triple deckers and other multiple family homes. Emergency vehicles, snow plows and garbage trucks have been unable to get through our streets. There are only 7 parking spaces on the property. With this number of proposed units,they will realistically need Two cars per each unit for a total of 40 new cars into the neighborhood. We can not tolerate this much new traffic or cars jockeying to park in front of our homes and businesses. Will SNA take a stand with neighbors and sign a letter of support??? The original board meeting was called off despite 8 to 10 neighbors who showed up. They say another meeting will be held in September.

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