July 6 – Thanks to all the households in Summit (144 and growing!) which have stepped up to join Summit Neighborhood Association in 2006. We always ask new and renewing members what they care about. Most people don’t take advantage, but many do. In no particular order or organization, here’s what SNA members have said is on their minds as they mailed their 2006 memberships in.
- Plans to enhance publicity and patronage to local businesses
- Just support SNA – keep up the good work. I’m a retired leafletter.
- Love Trader Joe’s idea! Pls send newsletter via e-mail. [SNA NOTE: Our all-volunteer on-the-ground delivery system doesn’t have an opt out option for individual households.]
- Sign or fence to keep dogs out of children’s at park on Bl. Blvd, Lippitt Park.
FOLLOW LINK FOR MORE GREAT NEIGHBOR IDEAS - Wish I had one (“great idea for Summit”). I like the newsletter very much.
- Traffic on Lauriston, Citizens Bank, Trash flying around
- Trader Joe’s would be wonderful
- Saving and planting trees; making walking safe and pleasant.
- Resurface badly patched streets. Mine never done in 52 years! Summit needs this! High taxes deserve it!
- Instead of Trader Joes, how about Ikea. That would bring people around!
- Neighborhood picnic
- Fix uneven sidewalks
- Schools, parks (need more) – more bumpouts between 5th and Blackstone on Lorimer – just speed back up.
- Yard maintenance, absentee landlord neglect.
- Dev’t issus on N.Main & Hope St., trees, pawn shops on N.Main
- Drug activity on 10th, N.Main businesses/revitalization
- (No) more bump outs! DON’T LIKE THEM: End of Brewster is ruined – was nice wide Y turn, now a slow, hard S turn. – No one shovels the sidewalks after it snows.
- Sidewalks, dog-poop!
- Sidewalks, sidewalks, sidewalks!
- Get business involved – make them responsible
- Effort with transit officials to increase, enhance Hope St service
- Poor sidewalks, potholes, dead trees
- I love that deco fountain in Lippitt Park – go for it!
- Continued street tree plantings – strategic, coordinated, technically supported.
- Triple-deckers going condo, selling for unbelievablly high prices, takiing away affordable housing and substituting completely unaffordable.
- Crime in our neighborhood
- Why isn’t there a Mt. Hope Nieghborhood Assn? [SNA NOTE: There is: Call Director Dana Carvalho at 521-8830.]
- Electing a different Mayor
- Giant yard sale and children’s day end of August. Charge for tables. Recruit hospital and businesses.
- Fix all the potholes around the Cypress and Ivy intersections – PS – My sidewalk is a mess.
- North Main Street
- Miriam – parking, PR, promises – likes traffic solutions and wants to see more – do more with schools
- Dumping oil on Edgehill, Summit & Dexterdale.
Karen · July 11, 2006 at 9:08 pm
Is anyone else disturbed by the strong smell of solvents or spray lacquer that blankets the north side of Summit when the wind blows from the north/northwest? It must be from a nearby factory/manufacturing facility. It’s amazingly strong sometimes and I worry about its impact on our health.
Ellen Santaniello · July 9, 2006 at 8:35 pm
re: bumpouts — my husband calls them “bike killers”. Can we add bike lanes to our list of wishes, along with decent sidewalks with curb cuts between each street??
monique doherty · July 8, 2006 at 12:47 am
Idea for traffic. Remove bump-outs, invest this money spent to repair sideWALKS!! Utilize our property tax money (and the bond money wasted on bump-outs) by having police posted on alternate streets to catch speeders. Impose hefty fines for speeders. Increase the revenue.
Steets are for cars. Sidewalks are for the safety of people. heathy,handicapped or disabled. It is a disgrace to think that kevin Jackson does not think individually of the people who voted him in.
If you want to attract foot traffic and minimize vehicle traffic, make the sidewalks safe and attractive to use. Fix the multi-year sidewalk issues!
Make more four-way stop intersections……i.e. Brewster and Fourth
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