The Summit Neighborhood Association’s nominating committee is hosting a meet and greet for those interested in serving on the SNA board for the year beginning in February.  If you are interested in learning more, please come by the event:

Asian Palace

1184 North Main St.

Saturday, January 22 at 3pm

Hope to see you there!

Categories: NeighborsSNA


Dean W · January 24, 2011 at 12:17 pm

Some great prospects dropped by this event, thanks! Be sure to come to the Annual Meeting on Feb 28.

Dean W · January 24, 2011 at 12:16 pm

Ray, please keep an eye on this site for the Yard Sale date. It probably will be in the fall again, but there is a chance that we’ll go back to spring.

It will definitely be announced here and on the listserv.

Ray A · January 11, 2011 at 4:32 pm

We visited your Sept. 25, 2010 neighborhood yard sale, and would like to know the date for 2011’s sale.

t was a great day to met many nice neighbors, and would like to visit you in 2011.

I know it is early in the year, would you e-mail me when you have a sale date,

Ray and Sharon / Providence, ri

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