The SNA’s annual yard sale, held Sept. 29 at the Church of the Redeemer on Hope Street, drew enough sellers to fill about 30 tables and enough buyers to walk away with lots of treasures.
Again gathered in a central location this year as in times past, participants paid a fee for spots for their own tables or a little extra for provided tables on which to display their no-longer-needed wares. Then they kept all the profits from the 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. sale. Business was brisk despite the gloomy skies that withheld any rain.
Some members of the church, led by Father Patrick Campbell, mingled with their neighbors and even offered freshly baked cookies. Musical entertainment was provided by House Concerts Rhode Island.
Not only was buying and selling accomplished, but an expanded feeling of community, a sense of neighborliness was perhaps the greatest treasure exchanged.
See you next year.

Participants at the yard sale set up at the Church of the Redeemer on Hope Street.

Categories: SNA

1 Comment

zoe tibeault · October 3, 2012 at 10:43 am

was hoping rain date held

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