There is still time to sign up for SUMMIT FOR SALE!

On Saturday, September 25 (rain date: October 2) from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 pm many of your neighbors and local businesses will hold individual yard sales.  It’s a $10 fee to sign up; those 10 bucks go to advertising the sale (posters in local businesses, ads in newspapers and signs to identify you as part of the sale!).  We’ll also put your location on a map that we will distribute to over 4,000 households in our community newsletter early September!
To sign up, you can mail your $10 check (payable to Summit Neighborhood Association) or cash along with your name, address, email address and phone to PO Box 41092, Providence, RI, 02940.(No later than August 29!)  Or if it’s easier, email or call Emily and you can pop the info in her mailbox.  (, 401-575-8150)  If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Should be a fun community event- you can make some cash and hang with your neighbors!

Categories: SNA Events