As part of the Providence Tomorrow planning process, city officials have asked residents to say what they like and what they would like to change about our city. Pictures can tell the story better than words, so they also want to see your pictures of the good and the not-so-good.

We think this is a great idea. We encourage you to share your pictures of the city with city officials. We also encourage you to share them with your neighbors – to spur discussion, generate enthusiasm for the planning process, and share different perspectives.

We’re using Flickr to collect pictures of things we like about the city and things we think could be improved. Using Flickr, you can:

  • Comment on and discuss photos
  • Annotate photos
  • Tag photos on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis

If you have a Flickr account (it’s free), simply tag your pictures as “pvd_tmrw_good” or “pvd_tmrw_bad”.

SNA is also providing an easy way to submit pictures using email. Simply email one picture at a time to one of the following addresses:


Include the Title of the photo as the subject line, and some identifying information in the body of the email. You can even use your cameraphone to send pictures to these email addresses.

You can view the photos and discuss the Providence Tomorrow photos here:


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