The North Main Street project will share results from a base plan analysis of problematic North Main Street at a meeting next Wednesday, Feb. 20 7PM at the new offices of Jewish Famiy Services, 959 North Main Street (between Rochambeau and Colonial). Parking is in the back, enter in front.

The base plan, developed by consultant Jonathan Harris, a Summit resident, includes a complete map of lots with ownership, size, use and valuation. The plan also analyzes compares parking supplies with current needs and identifies undervalued areas and key locations where good development could trigger a general revival of this commerical artery. SNA has specifically reached out to commerical realtors to help us understand the market forces holding North Main back at this meeting. We also invite any interested member of the community to join us and help work out the path to a better future.

1 Comment

Bxaavato · December 13, 2008 at 12:39 pm


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