Categories: SNA
2024 Rain Harvest Festival
Providence Parks are still looking for a few good volunteers for Sunday’s Rain Harvest Festival set-up. Please email if you have interest and time to lend a hand from 9-11 am. Otherwise, please consider Read more…
Dean W · September 16, 2011 at 8:00 am
Hi Mark,
Sorry to hear that your neighbor has not received her SNA Newsletter. We have not changed the routes or distribution list. We rely on a team of volunteers to deliver the newsletters, and sometimes routes get missed.
The newsletter is available at certain local businesses, as well as online. Hopefully the volunteer who delivers to her house will not miss it next time, but if she does not receive one, please do post again to let us know.
We always need people to help us with this thing. It is a good amount of work to distribute the newsletter to the 3,000 homes that it goes to. If you are interested in helping out, please get in touch at
Mark Franklin · September 15, 2011 at 5:32 pm
I am writing on behalf of a good friend, Eileen Stefani who lives at 51 Eighth Street. She use to receive in her mail the summit neighborhood newsletter. Recently she has not been getting it. Could you please put Eileen back on the mailing list for the newsletter. She doesn’t have a computer.
Thanks for your help.
Mark Franklin
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