Dear Neighbor:

Work has begun on the installation of pipes in the area surrounding Miriam Hospital for Phase II of Narragansett Bay Commission’s Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Abatement Program. These pipes are helping to keep our water clean.

To date, they’ve stopped close to 5 billion gallons of sewage from entering Narragansett Bay.

Additionally, with the completion of Phase II pipe installation along North Main St., we’ll soon be starting curb-to-curb repaving on North Main St. This repaving work will begin in May and is expected to take a few weeks to complete.

We appreciate your patience as local traffic and accessibility will be impacted during this time. We also understand you will likely have questions about how this activity will affect your area, and we’d like to update you about the construction and street improvements that will be taking place to help minimize disruption.

We’ll be having a one-on-one informational meeting on Wednesday, April 17 at 6:30 p.m. at Summit Commons on 99 Hillside Ave., and we hope you’ll join us. If you’re interested in learning more about the project, please visit,,, or call the Narragansett Bay Commission at 401-461-8848.

Thank you for your continued support as we work to keep our water clean.


Vincent Mesolella, Chairman
Narragansett Bay Commission