The SNA events committee invites you to join us at Pizzico on Hope Street for a wine tasting event on Tuesday, March 25th at 6pm.  We will be tasting unique wines from Italy paired with fabulous food.  Sample new and exciting varietals while meeting your Summit Neighbors.
The event cost is $20 per person.  Please RSVP by March 20 to

We look forward to seeing you there!

This is the Summit Neighborhood Association’s Events Committee’s first event to further SNA’s initiative to build social capital. This idea to build connections among neighbors was introduced at the February 25 Annual Meeting.

Here’s an extra challenge from the SNA: print this announcement out and put it through the mailslot of a Summit Neighbor you don’t know. Let them know you are inviting them and hope to see them there!

Categories: SNA Events


Roger Giraud · March 20, 2008 at 11:20 am

Confirming previous email accepting invitation for the 25 by me and Connie Chesebrough…Thenks

Roger Giraud · March 20, 2008 at 11:17 am

I will attend the winetasting on the 25th and Connie Chesebrough has asked me to let you know that she will also be attending…..see you then and thanks for putting this event together for us all…..

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