Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza on Saturday toured the farmers market in Lipitt Park escorted by SNA Vice President Kerry Kohring

Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza on Saturday toured the farmers market in Lippitt Park escorted by SNA Vice President Kerry Kohring.

The mayor was able to meet with constituents one on one.

The mayor was able to meet with constituents one on one.

He bought snacks from local vendors.

He bought snacks from local vendors.

He discussed the market with manager Rui David.

He discussed the market with manager Rui David.

He greeted members of the band playing in the park.

He greeted members of the band playing in the park.

And he talked with even the smallest attendees as well as discussed city issues with their parents.

And he talked with even the smallest attendees as well as discussed city issues with their parents.

Categories: SNA