Dear Summit Neighbors,
The annual membership meeting of the Summit Neighborhood Association is scheduled for Monday, May 1, at 7 pm at the Highlands on the East Side, 101 Highland Ave. As usual, a key agenda item will be the election of new Board of Directors for 2017-2018. While a number of Board members will be returning, a few are departing, and we need to fill those seats with new people.
As chair of the nominating committee I am writing to ask you to please consider joining the SNA Board. It’s a great place to meet your neighbors, learn more about the community, and take an active role in trying to improve and enhance life in Summit.
The Board typically meets 10 or 11 times per year on the evening of the 3rd Monday of the month. At these meetings, we discuss community affairs, from traffic signals and crosswalks to crime reports and local politics. Our events committee plans events and activities (the music festival and the snow shoveling brigade, etc.). Our membership committee explores ways to promote the organization. The zoning committee keeps tabs on zoning changes and variances that affect the neighborhood, and the newsletter committee produces and distributes the SNA newsletter. In election seasons, we host candidate forums. There are many other possible activities, and you can be part of deciding which ones SNA engages in.
In addition to attending Board meetings, members are expected to help deliver newsletters (when physical able), and participate in at least one event or serve on one committee.
If you are interested, please email me at or the other members of the nominating committee, Anneliese Greenier or Kerry Kohring We’ll be happy to answer any questions. We are planning a luncheon on Sunday, April 23 for those who wish to join. There, you can meet other members of the Board and learn more about what we do.
Tom Schmeling
Secretary, SNA