Making a Special Place at the Head of the Bay
Placemaking Workshop
Monday, April 7, 2008
3 -7 pm
Radisson Hotel (foot of Gano St.)
Please join an interactive workshop led by the Project for Public Spaces (PPS) to imagine a future for the last expanse of shoreline open to the public in Providence, at the head of Narragansett Bay. Join planners, stakeholders, and citizens concerned about the fate of the former Shooters nightclub for a presentation of what makes waterfront public spaces work in other cities, a placemaking exercise, and a brainstorming session to create a vision that makes the most of India Point’s unique geography and panoramic views and ensures public access to our most distinctive natural and historic asset.
Free and open to the public. Pre-registration required. Space limited to 100.
Please call 831-5995 x712 with your name & phone number.
Sponsored by Head of the Bay Gateway and Friends of India Point Park. Led by Ethan Kent from PPS.
Click “more” for workshop schedule and more information.
Workshop Schedule
3:00 pm Radisson Hotel Providence Harbor, Bayview Conference Room: Welcome and Presentation by PPS
4:15 pm Head of the Bay/India Point Area: Placemaking Exercise and Site Walk
5:15 pm Radisson Conference Room: Brainstorming Exercise
7:00 PM Adjourn
The Project for Public Spaces is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating and sustaining public spaces that build communities. Founded in 1975 PPS has provided technical assistance and conducted placemaking workshops in over 1,000 communities around the world, and has helped cities from Hong Kong to Omaha to re-think, re-use, and revive their waterfronts.
Head of the Bay Gateway is a group of citizens, advocates, and stakeholders committed to transforming the former Shooters site on the Providence waterfront for the economic, environmental, and civic benefit of the public, the city, and the region.
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