FBP is proud to present another installment of its popular Up Close on Hope series in its Black Box Theatre located on Hope Street (across from Seven Stars Bakery). The thrilling performances feature a mixed repertoire of new, edgy choreography as well as classical masterpieces in the intimacy of their 85-seat theatre. Audiences are blown away by the raw athleticism and emotion of the performers, so close you can hear them breathe! If you haven’t experienced Up Close on Hope before, don’t wait another minute securing your seats!


FBP Black Box Theatre
825 Hope Street, Providence, RI 02906
Oct. 25 (Fri.); 8:00pm
Oct. 26 (Sat.); 7:30pm
Nov. 1 (Fri.) ; 8:00pm
Nov. 2 (Sat.); 7:30pm
Nov. 8 (Fri.); 8:00pm
Nov. 9 (Sat.); 7:30pm
Tickets: $50 each

All performances include an intermission reception with complimentary wine and hors d’oeuvres provided by local restaurants.

For tickets, call 401-353-1129. For more information, visit our website: http://festivalballet.com/upClose_story.php