The SNA board voted at its Feb. 18 regular meeting to go ahead with an Easter-egg hunt on March 30, but only after a lengthy discussion of the implications of celebrating a Christian holiday in a neighborhood with a large Jewish population.

Some Jewish members of the board asked if the Easter event would imply that the organization is ignoring the beliefs of many members of the community, including such faiths as Muslim or Hindu, and would be insulting to them.

After some soul-searching, the board decided that the event, marking an officially recognized holiday, was being planned not with a sense of excluding people of non-Christian faiths, but with the purpose of including as many people as possible. The board debated calling it a “spring” event, but decided that “Easter eggs” were uniquely recognizable and acceptable.

Members of the board said during the discussion that they had no intention of denigrating any faiths and encourage suggestions from people of all faiths to suggest ways to celebrate the diversity of the Summit neighborhood.

1 Comment

Howie · February 28, 2013 at 2:00 pm

I would call it an Easter Egg Hunt—-As it is tradionall known…..I personally do not find this offensive….It is what it is,,,,,,,,,

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