The Miriam Hospital Parking Study Meeting

WHEN: Tuesday July 28 at 6:00pm
WHERE: Hurvitz Board Room, located on the first floor of the main hospital near the Gift Shop.

The Miriam Hospital has hired VHB to assist us with a parking study.  We engage VHB every five years as part of our Institutional Master Planning process.

You are invited to attend a meeting in order to meet the project manager of the project and to hear the preliminary findings of the study.

Light refreshments will be served.

If you have any questions please feel free to call Monica Anderson at The Neighborhood Hotline at (401)-793-4040.

Parking meters are not seen on the horizon for Hope Street’s business district

Parking on Hope Street has not reached the point when management by parking meters is needed.

Parking meters will not, repeat not, be coming soon, if ever, to the Hope Street commercial district.

That was the message relayed by Pernilla Frazier, co-president of the Hope Street Merchants Association, to the regular meeting of the Summit Neighborhood Association’s board of directors.

She was reporting on a presentation by Providence Parking Administrator Leo Perrotta to the merchants group on the city’s plans to expand the use of parking meters.

Frazier said Perrotta told the business owners that there were no plans in the immediate future of six months to two years for parking meters on Hope Street and perhaps not at all.  He said the Summit area is unique in the concentration of residential streets abutting the commercial area and the resulting problem of parking overflow is extremely complex. Perotta also said a solution might have to involve some sort of residential permits, and the city is not prepared to undertake that at this time, Frazier reported.

Although the city says there is some evidence of stagnation of parking along the Hope Street business district, it is currently not worthy of being solved by the imposition of meters, Perotta said. If a survey shows that 85 percent of available parking spaces in an area are taken, the city tries to intervene with management by metered parking, but that concentration has not been demonstrated on Hope Street.

In addition, there is still the question of how to define a parking spot as a right or a privilege, Frazier said, adding that the HSMA is planning to consult with an urban planner on the issue.

The SNA board, which has not formulated a position regarding parking meters, promised Frazier to work closely with the merchants as the situation develops.

PUBLIC FORUM – Improving Pedestrian & Bicycle Infrastructure

When: 5:00PM-6:30PM, Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Where: 444 Westminster Street, 1st Floor

How can the City of Providence improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and culture?

The Providence Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission and the Department of Planning and Development invite you to attend a public brainstorming session on the future of bicycle and pedestrian improvements in the City of Providence.

Bring your ideas, dreams, and concerns about bicycling and walking in Providence!

The location for this meeting is handicap accessible and translation or hearing impaired services are available upon request.

Please contact the Department of Planning and Development at 401-680-8400 to request such services.

Road work ahead for Ninth Street

New curbs and drains installed on Ninth at Highland.

The Narragansett Bay Commission has said that repaving of Ninth Street will begin after the contractor has put in place new curbs and drains. As of Friday, that work was done in the block between Summit and Highland, but exactly when the resurfacing will begin is up to the companies involved. Where it will be done is shown on the map.

Update on plans to pave local streets

Here is the Summit neighborhood portion of the city’s comprehensive paving map, which includes the streets that the Narragansett Bay Commission is responsible for. Those marked in black are the NBC’s domain, those in dark purple are to be done by the city between the summer of 2014 and the spring of 2015. The map is provided by NBC’s Public Affairs Manager Jamie R. Samons, who says, “If it’s a street that the NBC is doing work on, then we’ll pave it.”

In the Combined Sewer Overflow project schedule on NBC’s website, “Reconstruction and curb-to-curb repaving of all affected street and sidewalks,” includes “Cemetery Street, Nashua Street, Frost Street, Collyer Street, Concord Street, Matilda Street, White Street, stubs to Colonial, Dexterdale, Edgehill, Stenton, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, Chace, Hillside” to be completed by the fall of 2014.

Samons adds, “Starting next week, neighbors will see resetting curb and construction inverts in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th street areas. There will be no road closures until the contractor resumes drain construction early April.”

City of Providence Paving Map - Small