Summit Neighborhood Association Board of Directors meeting minutes, Feb. 20, 2012 (corrected version)
Summit Commons, 99 Hillside Ave.
Called to order by Vice President Jesse Polhemus, Present were Treasurer Harriet Hemphill, Dan MacLellan, Sheila Perlow, Grant Dulgarian, Claude Goldman and Kerry Kohring (secretary pro tem). Also present was advisory board member David Kolsky. President Dean Weinberg arrived after call to order.
Minutes of previous meeting and treasurer’s reports were approved unanimously.
Events committee reported grant money request (double the pervious amount) for New Orleans-style jazz festival in cooperation with merchants association and a tentative date in August.
Guest Michael C. McGlynn of 105 Chace Ave., (401) 345-2906, volunteered to coordinate web site to increase traffic flow and make periodic updates plus upgrades.
North Main Street committee reported that consultant Jonathan Harris in on schedule and has contacted the merchants association with minutes of their meeting available.
Publications committee reported candidate profiles in works; newsletter distribution responsibilities were discussed, noting that all board members are leafleters, that board members sometimes have to go far from home and nonboard members are assigned close to home.
Crime watch committee reported no changes and overnight parking oversight committee reported that the City Council is not taking any action.
Polhemus reported on meeting in mayor’s office of all neighborhood associations, citing goal of quarterly meetings and preparation of local resources inventories despite presumed duty of city planning department. Need for independence from mayor’s control cited as was concern over increase in entertainment and liquor licensing. Weinberg to be regular representative to group.
Snow shoveling service still has no coordinator to match needy with volunteers. Last year’s list maintained by Phil Solomon, but not updated. Dulgarian volunteers to mail updated list to needy, but weather making effort moot.
Membership database efficiency committee reported that a spreadsheet was going from the treasurer to Jim Barfoot, who maintains list. A postcard reply to membership dues paid was suggested with a welcome to new members. Mary Ann Rossoni and Lizzi Weinberg volunteered to design postcard.
Board of directors nominating committee’s slate moved by Hemphill, seconded by Perlow and approved unanimously.
Budget for coming year presented by treasurer, including forum for candidates in coming election, moved by Polhemus, seconded by Goldman and approved unanimously.
Agenda for membership meeting presented by president.
New business included a report by Kolsky on city redistricting controversy, which has little impact on Summit neighborhood.
Meeting adjourned at 9:11 p.m.
Kerry Kohring