Members Present: Jim Barfoot, Chris Bull, Grant Dulgarian, Anneliese Greenier, Kerry Kohring, Daniel MacLellan, Michael McGlynn, Sheila Perlow, Lee Pichette, Thomas Schmeling, Shraon Waldman, Dean Weinberg
Members Absent: Sierra Barter, Daren Bulley, Vishal Jain, Britt Page, Joan Retsinas, Mary Ann Rossoni, Peter Sandby-Thomas,
Guests: Lt. John Ryan and Captain George Stamatakos of the Providence Police. Aaron Regenburg, David Kolsky. Fourteen additional guests from the neighborhood attended to hear the crime report.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05
Crime Report
Lt. John Ryan and Captain George Stamatakos reported to the Board on recent break-ins. The perpetrators appear to be juveniles: a 13, 14 16 Year old. 1 adult may be involved. One neighbor has video of kids stealing bikes. At least one has been identified as a Hope High students.
These seem to be repeat offenders without adult supervision. One parent wants her child declared wayward. There is little that police can do to hold these juveniles. There is only truant officer for entire city and a truancy court at Hope High. The kids might be sent to the training school but Police do not control this.
Question from audience: do they ever have to face the victims? A: Not usually. Tenny Gross’ institute for nonviolence has been greatly reduced. There are fewer street workers.
Q: if it’s just 3 kids can we share a picture of them?
A: Police can’t circulate pix or condone it but they can’t stop it.
Q: What can we do?
A: Don’t leave stuff visible in your car. Install security cameras. Call the police when you see anything suspicious. You can remain anonymous.
Q: Are there patterns that we should watch for?
A: Air conditioners and unlocked doors are a problem. Tires and Rims are often stolen.
Q: How many patrol officers in District 8?
A: Captain Stamatakos said that police constantly patrol the neighborhood and we do have enough police in this area. There are 3 car posts in 8 and 3 in Dist. 9. There are 4-6 officers working those 6 car posts.
Q: What about getting officers out of the cars and onto the beat?
A: Cops were cheap to hire before but no longer. Mobile units have taken the place of the beat cop.
Captain Stamatakos reported that 50 recruits will be on the street Oct. 10th. There is talk about starting another academy. They are down 103 officers from the high point.
In closing, they reiterated that if you see something suspicious call 911 and they will connect you to the police. If you just don’t feel right about what you’re seeing, call 911. Or call the regular police number 272-1111 and press 0.
Captain Stamatakos gave his Cell number: 255 9946
Regular meeting
The board welcomed Aaron Regenburg and congratulated him on his primary victory. He Expressed his gratitude to the community its support. He would love for us to share ideas and will be reaching out.
Minutes: Were approve unanimously on a motion by Kerry, second by Anneliese.
All congratulated Dean on another amazing music festival. Dean, in turn, thanked all the volunteers. Dean distributed financials. So far we are $530 to the good on the event. The $500 contingency fund allocated at the last meeting was not used. Kerry counted 800-1000 in park at peak.
Treasurer’s Report. Dean offered corrections for one line related to restricted funds for the community garden. It was reiterated that the North Main Street “restricted” funds are not really restricted. Approved on a motion by Tom, seconded by Sherry.
Senate grant. Dean noted that $1,500 is available through Gayle Goldin. Grant requests are due in 45 days, if you can think of a good use for these funds, email Dean and be prepared to bring completed forms it to Oct 20 meeting for approval. Michael McGlynn indicated he had ideas for our membership promotion projects.
Other Reports
Yard Sale (Dean) The sale was very successful. There were at least 25 tables. There was also Music and ice cream truck. Organizer Britt Page will give a fuller report next meeting
9th Street Tot lot. Dean talked with Bob McMahon. The project will be split into 2 phases. 1) playground improvements 2) garden. Bids for the playground will be out in October. The Garden may be ready in time for growing season.
We have $2,500 from a senate grant from Gail Goldin last year for the tot lot. We could not turn over to the Parks Department because they not ready. Dean will call the Senate office of grants to ask if we can extend this and write Parks a check now.
Membership (Michael) We need to do a better job communicating about the web site. He presented stats on visitors, new visitors, and page clicks. We need to give visitors something to do (e.g. sign up as members).
Events. Fall Cook-off. Lee is still working with someone who might be willing to put it together. Lee will push this and get back to us.
Another election forum. There was less-than-full enthusiasm about holding another forum. We agreed to discuss this on the Board email list.
North Main Street. The NMS Committee met and discussed branding NMS including a possible logo/branding contest. They are working on traffic light at Smithfield and it will be done soon.
Newsletter. We need to talk about changing annual meeting date to move newsletter delivery out of the dead of winter. The next newsletter is Oct/Nov.
Zoning. Planning commission meeting is tomorrow at 4:45. The zoning ordinance was passed by planning commission and it now goes to City Council, who will deliberate over the next couple of months.
Meeting Adjourned 8:??
Respectfully Submitted- Thomas Schmeling