The meeting was brought to order at 7:04 PM
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Guests. Ellen Darling (subdivision on Rochambeau), Gary Lucy Chuck (10th st) Marcus Mitchell, his daughter Morgan andwife Lynette. Karina Wood. Aaron Regenburg.
President Dean Weinberg opened the meeting and greeted guests.
Minutes. Kerry moved that the minutes be accepted. Seconded by Anneliese. Approved unanimously
Treasurer’s report (Anneliese). There was income from the music festival and the yard sale. T-shirt sales did not go as well as hoped. Dean noted that funds for the community garden is grant income. Tom moved to accept the report, seconded by Britt. The vote to accept the report was unanimous.
Ellen Darling (Cole Ave) spoke regarding the proposed subdivision of the Granoff estate. A notice was received on Saturday for a Tuesday (tomorrow) meeting of city planning commission. Only immediately abutting neighbors were notified. There is a proposal for subdivision of the property into 12 lots for high-density residences (condos). She has contacted the Providence Preservation Society and others. She circulated a sign-up sheet for email regarding this. The commission will meet at 4:45pm 444 Westminster in the 1st floor auditorium.
Gary ___ expressed concerns regarding the condition in which 10th street has been left following the sewer project. Neighbors organized at petition in April presenting the views of 10th St. residents as well as neighbors on Top and 9th Streets. The Petition got no response.
Chuck talked to project manager, who promised that 10th is being paved curb to curb. Concerns were expressed regarding the lack of NBC and contractor communication with neighbors, especially by workers on the street. Dean asked them to keep us posted.
Lucy Ann expressed a desire for a speed bump for her street.
Marcus Mitchell introduced himself as a write-in candidate for the Ward 3 City Council position. He explained past experience and accomplishments and his reasons for running.
A Candidate Forum for the Ward 3 election will be held Oct 30th at 7PM at Summit Commons. Marcus Mitchell and Kevin Jackson will be present. David Kolsky asked if we could include the General Assembly candidates for District 4. Kerry responded that the reason for the forum was a specific request by the community specifically for a Ward 3 forum.
State senate grant. Michael McGlynn has preliminarily filled out a grant application asking for funds to help expand SNA membership. Joan moved approval (2nd by Tom). Proposed uses for the funds include: 1. A tent with SNA imprint for events. 2. Badges and button for newsletter deliverers. 3. Informational flyers regarding public safety issues such as crime watch, best practices for keeping property and personal safety 4. Membership window stickers. The grant submission was unanimously approved.
Advisory Board. The composition of the Advisory Board has not been reviewed in some time. Tom moved that our state senator, state representative and City Council member be listed as serving ex officio. Lee seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. The Bylaws committee was charged with reviewing the Advisory Board and recommend on size.
Board email list. A concern was raised that the emails to the SNA Board listserv are going to people who are not Board members. In general, it was agreed that people should know who is receiving the emails that they send and the best way to do this is to limit the Board list to Board members. Britt moved and Tom seconded so limiting the list. Approved with one dissenting vote.
Nominating Committee. The time has come to solicit new Board members. Joan moved and Lee seconded that the committee should be comprised of Tom, Anneleise, & Britt. Unanimously approved.
Yard sale. The Board expressed its thanks to Britt for organizing this event. Britt mentioned that we typically give Church of the Redeemer part of our proceeds as thanks for the use of their property for the event. Profits were $400. Tom moved and Jim seconded giving them $100. Unanimously approved.
Summit Ave. gardens/tot-lot. The playground and landscape construction is supposed to be going out to bid this month. The gardens will go out for bid in spring.
Membership (Michael McGlynn). Mike presented a bar chart of membership over time. He reported that the Pay Pal link is working well. Changes have also been made to the website. He will report a couple of times per year. Jim Barfoot says we are up to date on the data base. We have 10 new addresses. There are 505 all time addresses and 783 individuals, but we do not know how many are current.
Fall cook off. The Board expressed thanks to Lee Pichett for lining up Jenna to do legwork for this event. The theme is squash. There will be 3 prizes, all gift certificates from local merchants. There will also be a People’s Choice award, and another for best costume on a child. The event will also include an olive oil tasting, beer and wine. The event will be at 7 Stars bakery, 6:30PM on Oct 29. Lee moved and Sherry seconded the allocation of $100 of Board Funds to be spent on gift certificates. This was unanimously approved.
Annual meeting. We will discuss setting a date for this at next month’s meeting
Holiday caroling. This will also be discussed next month.
North Main. No news, other than that Smithfield Avenue is open to two-way traffic.
Newsletter. Board members should get your stories to Kerry.
Snow Shoveling Brigade. Britt and Tom will organize this again for the coming winter.
Aaron Regenburg announced that he will host a community discussion at 7PM on Nov. 17 at the Rochambeau library. It was noted that this conflicts with our next Board meeting.
Zoning. Grant and David both spoke on the zoning plan at the public hearing before the City Council. It has been continued to 5:30 this coming Wednesday.
Meeting adjourned: 8:46PM.
Respectfully Submitted: Tom Schmeling, Board Secretary