Members present: Jesse Polhemus, Vice President; Claude Goldman; Harriet Hemphill, Treasurer; Anthony Arrigo; Grant Dulgarian; Kerry Kohring; Sheila Perlow; Thomas Schmeling; Jennifer Travner; Britt Page, secretary pro tem.

Guests: John Marion; David Kolsky

Meeting called to order at 7PM by Polhemus, standing in for Dean Weinberg. Minutes of September 24th and Treasurer’s Report were approved.

Quick Reports

Summit Yard Sale: Page reported that the yard sale went smoothly and that she received positive feedback from participants. Hemphill stated that yard sale proceeds totaled $465. Board agreed to send Church of the Redeemer a check for $75 as thanks for use of church lawn and tables.

Newsletter: Kohring stated that the next newsletter is scheduled for publication in January, and solicited ideas for the “Now and Then” column.

Crime Watch: Perlow indicated that there is nothing to report at this time.

North Main Street Committee: Polhemus indicated that there is nothing to report at this time. Dulgarian requested that North Main Street Committee minutes be circulated at SNA board meetings. Polhemus agreed to pass this request along to Weinberg.

Snow Shoveling Program: Schmeling reported that the boy scouts are unable to participate as volunteers for the program.

Current Projects

Candidate Forum: Forum is set for 7PM on October 17th at Summit Commons. Polhemus relayed Weinberg request to purchase small sound system for use at forum and other SNA events. Board approved motion to allocate $250 for said purchase. Schmeling reported that he and Weinberg had worked out a schedule for the event, but that additional questions for the candidates were needed. Arrigio agreed to serve as timekeeper, and Perlow volunteered to tend the SNA table. Schmeling noted that some of the questions received from community members were directed at a single candidate. The board agreed that questions directed at a single candidate are appropriate, as long as the forum moderator indicates that such questions were posed by individual community members rather than the SNA.

Pumpkin Bakeoff: Bakeoff to be held on October 30th from 6:30 to 8PM. Arrigo reports that Sarah Arrigo has posted flyers and posters along Hope Street and that Blaze is promoting the event on its Facebook page.

Tot Lot Rehab/Community Gardening: Next meeting to be held on October 27th from 9 to 10:30AM at Summit Commons.

Hope Street Holiday Stroll: Board noted that the holiday stroll is scheduled for December 6th from 4PM to 8PM. Event is being organized by the Hope Street Merchants Association. No action required from SNA.

Spring Easter Egg Hunt: Arrigio reminded board of this idea. Page and Polemus volunteered to help organize. Board agreed that the Saturday before Easter Sunday may be the best date for the event. The committee will discuss event timing, organization, location, and pricing and report back to the board.

Lippitt Park: Perlow reported that Dan has been asked to stop recycling and trash pickup duties during the colder months, but that he will presumably resume these duties in the Spring.

SNA By-Laws: Schmeling indicated that there is nothing to report at this time.

Membership Committee: Hemphill reported discrepancies between the two membership lists that Jim Barfoot sent her. She has been hand writing cards to acknowledge receipt of membership dues, but hopes to transition to printed labels once a master list is finalized. Board agreed that membership should center on the calendar year so that members are clear on how long their membership lasts and when dues are expected.

New Banners/SNA materials: Hemphill indicated that there are no updates on the SNA banners. Polemus volunteered to ask Mary Ann Rossoni for a status update. Perlow suggested that the board make t-shirts for board members to wear at SNA events and when tending the membership table. Board agreed. Arrigio volunteered to arrange for printing once Rossoni forwards the SNA logo.

Question 18: John Marion of Common Cause Rhode Island appeared before the board to offer information on Question 18, which will appear on the November 6th ballot. Marion reported that he and Councilman Zurier have been working on this initiative which would amend the City Charter in an effort to make the redistricting process more transparent, accessible, and objective. The board agreed to post a message to the SNA listserve indicating that Marion had attended the board meeting to offer information and solicit support for Question 18.

New Business and Upcoming Meetings

Perlow raised the possibility of an SNA-organized paper shredding event, which was briefly discussed two meetings prior. Perlow volunteered to ask Citizens Bank about possibility of using their parking lot and whether the bank might rent the shredder for us. The board agreed that as an outdoor event, it would need to wait until the Spring.

Next meeting is scheduled for November 19th.

The meeting adjourned around 8:45 PM


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