The meeting was called to order at 7:02
Members Present: Jim Barfoot, Erik Christiansen, Lee Clasper-Torch, Grant Dulgarian, Anneliese Greenier, Vishal Jain, Kerry Kohring, Tom Schmeling, Britt Page, Emily Spitzman, Mark Tracy, Dean Weinberg, Karina Holyoak Wood.
Members Absent: Dan MacLellan, Michael McGlynn, Sheila Perlow, Sharon Lee Waldman.
Guests: Pernilla Frazier (Hope Street Merchants Assn.), Rob Santorro (new neighbor).
Announcements: Dean reviewed our meeting procedures for new members. Introductions were made.
Cigarette Butt Campaign. Pernilla announced that HSMA is trying to address the issue of cigarette butts on Hope Street. They are forming a committee of merchants to discuss this and SNA members are invited to join. She announced that the annual Fall Festival, co-sponsored by Miriam, will be on 9/20. She also passed around drawings of solar-powered lights they plan to install on Hope Street. There will be 3 or 4 per block. She can be reached at
Minutes for June were unanimously approved on a motion by Mark, seconded by Anneliese.
Treasurer’s Report. Dean distributed the report. Tom moved to approve. Mark seconded. Unanimously approved.
Music Festival. Dean asked for volunteers for the day of the event. The “Dirty Dozen Brass Band” has been confirmed as the headliner. Other bands include “And the Kids” from Northhampton, Garrin Benfield, “Extraordinary Rendition,” “Torn Shorts,” and Summit-based group “Brother Henry.” The “Fresh for All Fund” will be the beneficiary of the fundraising aspect. Matunuck Oyster Bar will do a raw bar. SNA will be doing our own beer garden this year, instead of having an outside vendor. Several local brewers are donating beer. We need TIP certified bartenders, Dean and others are working to find them. The Art Wall for kids is returning and we may have a climbing wall. We have general liability insurance for the event and Dean is looking into insurance for the beer garden.
Karina suggested that memberships we solicit that day should come with some concrete reward. We could include a raffle ticket with the price of membership, provide a free beer, etc. It was suggested that t-shirts be a membership benefit. A discussion of options ensued but no definite plan emerged.
Vishal noted that we need more SNA t-shirts in popular colors. Grant moves to authorize $250. Jim seconded. Unanimously approved.
Membership. The committee, with Michael McGlynn as chair, is one year old and has made progress organizing our membership efforts. Dan MacClellan delivered prototypes of the window stickers. Tom noted it would be good to have these in time for the music festival.
It was asked whether the point of membership is to raise income for SNA or generating a “feeling of belonging” among members. It was generally agreed that both are important and should be kept in mind.
Rob (guest) suggested a coupon book from HSMA. Dean noted that this idea was not well received by HSMA last time we brought it up, but it might be time to ask again.
Jim noted that we now have a $1500 state senate grant which will be used for a tent, member window stickers and a safety advice brochure. Jim is writing text for the latter.
Advisory Board. Lee raised the important question of what is the function of the advisory board. After a brief discussion, the issue was tabled until next month or September.
Program and Committee Reports
- Zoning. (Grant) Will report next month
- Membership (See above)
- Events. The yard sale will be 9/19. Britt reached out to the music group that performed at yard sale last year. Dean suggested You Rock School of Music who works with “Brother Henry”(see above). PayPal will be activated on the website to let people buy spaces to sell goods.
- Newsletter. The latest Newsletter went to the printer today. Volunteers should have them on Monday to distribute.
- Summit Ave Park/Community Garden. Two meetings were held in the last month with a group of interested parties. Gerritt is leading this group. A Governance Committee needs to be formed. We are looking at a possible ground-breaking for the garden for fall. The first task is for City to install water lines. The question is whether the governance group will stay under SNA or be independent. We will return to that discussion at a future meeting.
Old Business
- Mt. Hope/ SNA board swap. Dean said that plans for this are still in progress.
- Insurance. Dean is looking into our general insurance coverage for newsletter deliverers, snow shovelers and other volunteers.
- Hess station/North Main. Tom will follow up re: finding ways to make the traffic light less confusing and dangerous.
- Crosswalks on Hope at Lippitt Park. Tom talked to people at the farmers’ market on Saturday. Support for crosswalks was nearly unanimous. He will talk to the city.
- Education Committee. Erik suggested that his wife, Shanna Pearson, replace him on this committee. Tom will contact her, Karina and Emily to set up a first meeting.
- Fountain Tom asked if anyone knew why the fountain has recently been shut off again. He will make inquiries with the Parks Department.
Meeting Adjourned 8:53
Respectfully Submitted, Thomas Schmeling, Secretary