The meeting was brought to order at 7:05PM

Present: Jim Barfoot, Erik Christiansen, Lee Clasper-Torch, Grant Dulgarian, Anneliese Greenier, Vishal Jain, Kerry Kohring, Tom Schmeling, Emily Spitzman, March Tracy.

Absent: Dan McClellan, Michael McGlynn, Britt Page, Sheila Perlow, Sharon Lee Waldman, Dean Weinberg, Karina Holyoak Wood.

Guests: Isabelle Notter, Sociology graduate student at Brown, studying the organization and activities of neighborhood associations. The Board welcomed her to attend out meetings.

Kerry chaired the meeting in Dean’s absence.

February Minutes.  Lee moved approval and Anneliese seconded. Approved by voice vote

Treasurer’s report. Vishal transferred about $600 from Paypal to our bank account. We learned that Paypal amounts don’t appear on the balance sheet of the treasurer’s report. The sense of many on the Board was that all income and outgo should appear on the report regardless of source. Vishal will report on this next month. Tom moved, Mark seconded approval. The motion passed with one dissenting vote.

Snow Shoveling Brigade.  We have had very little snow this month, so little to report.

Zoning Committee. Kerry reported that nothing in the Zoning Notices implicates our neighborhood.  Grant expressed some concern about a Doyle Ave. property being converted to a three family unit.

Membership Committee. Michael (chair) was not present. Jim expressed concern about how the database will be maintained going forward. Kerry will contact Michael prior to the next meeting to figure this out.

Education committee. The committee met again recently and determined to focus on two projects:

  1. Develop a database of information for new neighborhood arrivals and parents of school-aged children.
  2. Hold a fundraiser.  Funds raised would benefit local children, possibly by paying tuition for after school and summer programs. Tom will contact MLK & Mount Hope Community Learning Center. Committee member Shanna Pierson-Merkowitz had already scheduled a fundraiser at Flatbread Pizza for June 7th 6pm, and we can use this event for SNA.

Newsletter. The next newsletter will come out at the end of March r 1st of April.  Kerry would like boils of the candidates for the new board.

Summit Ave Park.  Kerry has submitted a grant proposal for $15K to ______.  They will let us know by mid-March.

Pedestrian Signs.  Erik discussed the outcome of the meeting between himself, Tom Schmeling, State Rep. Aaron Regunberg and Francisco Lovera from RIDOT. Francisco did get yield-to-pedestrian signs installed where cars turn left from Rochambeau onto N. Main. We will need to submit a letter to Aaron requesting changes at Speedway. Erik is working on this.

Annual Meeting.  Our annual membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4/27.  The meeting committee is Kerry, Sheila, Lee and Anneliese.

The Highlands is willing to let us use the facility without a fee, as we will not be using their kitchen staff. We have invited the Mayor to attend. Kerry floated the idea of having the mayor make a formal presentation. Jim and Anneliese expressed support for last year’s mix-and-mingle format. Grant favored the formal presentations. We also discussed having an award for a contributor to neighborhood.  Tom moved having the mayor make a presentation and presenting an award. Mark seconded. Unanimously approved.

Jim asked whether money from Senate grant can be rolled over.  Committee has not met.  Jim will ask them to meet.

Our next meeting is Monday, March 21.Tom will contact the Rochambeau library regarding the possibility of holding the meeting there.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectfully Submitted, Thomas Schmeling, Secretary