The meeting came to order at 7:05 p.m.

Members present: Weinberg, Polhemus, Arrigo, Dulgarian,
Gladstone, Goldman, Kohring, Perlow, Schmeling, Sandby-Thomas,

Visitors: Jim Barfoot, David Kolsky, Laura Napolitano, Laren Farley, Rebecca (?).

Minutes for the August meeting were unanimously approved

The financial report was unanimously accepted.

D. Weinberg announced that the music festival was postponed due to rain. The headliner band was lost. We paid $1,510 or which we were able to recoup $680. Dean is trying to fill slot and has as a couple of offers out, including Mamadou Diabate. He thinks it is possible to replace the band at low cost.

Last year music festival made $600, which was allocated to social events. Dean suggested making these funds available for this year’s music festival. T. Schmeling moved, A. Arrrigo seconded. Passed Unanimously

Lippitt Park will be a site for the Playful Providence event on Saturday, September 8th. SNA can have a table at the event. Kerry volunteered man the membership table.

T. Schmeling reported on progress on the benches for Lippitt Park. Tom and Dean will meet with Elise Michel and Bob McMahon to discuss locations for the benches.

The Yard Sale will take place on September 29th. The rain date is following Saturday.
Jesse has the permits in hand. Britt has talked to the church and they are on board. House Concerts Rhode Island will provide music at no cost. Participation is still low with only 7-9 people signed up. People are likely to wait until closer to date.

Kerry reports that there are 4 tables in the church that were donated by SNA.

A wide-ranging discussion followed.

Shelia moved we contribute $50 to church and increase this amount if we have a windfall. Tom seconded. Passed unanimously

Community Garden/Tot lot. Anthony met with Bob McMahon and looked at 2 draft proposals. They envision a complete redesign including new swings and playsets, the gardens, a trike path, trees, and benches. The sand under the playset will be replaced with woodchips. There is a meeting on the 27th or 29th to decide between two detailed versions created by landscape architect. These will then be sent out to bid by contractors. The next step will be to talk to Kevin Jackson to release block grant money.

The gardens will start with 30-40 plots with room for expansion. The city will pay water bill, provide composting, materials to build beds, fencing.

Elections: State Senate: candidates Goldin and Butke will be at Books on the Square at 7pm Wednesday, 8/22 1st district: Dean will contact D. Cicilline and B. Dougherty with regard to setting up a candidate forum on 10/17 with alternate dates of 10/10 or 10/18.

Dean challenged the group us to come up with a Fall Festival plan similar to last year’s Apple Festival. Anthony volunteered to organize an apple cook off or similar event. If able, he will send a blurb for next week’s news letter. Jim Barfoot suggested a croquette match in Lippitt Park.

Jesse reported a outbreak of graffiti near the corner of Hope and Rochamebeau. He asked authorization for a call to graffiti task force on behalf of SNA. Tom moved, Grant seconded, passed unanimously.

Membership. Jim Barfoot reported on the membership database contains. It is in Filemaker, and can be shared online with access give to several people. The database contains contributor information. Most contributions are $15, some are $25-30 some $60.

Jim Requests:
1. Cut-off date for memberships to keep track of information on an annual basis.
2. Keep forms consistent year to year to make data entry easier.
3. Find a way to figurer out who is turning in the form (We have different people at same address)

Jim will continue maintaining the database. The Board congratulated Jim an thanked him for his good work.

Kerry reports that the Newsletter will be delivered soon.

Snow shoveling. Britt Page has set up a Gmail account to receive requests for shoveling and volunteers. Tom has contacted the boy scouts, who seem interested in helping. Tom wrote a blurb which will appear in the next SNA newsletter.

Respectfully Submitted,
Tom Schmeling


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