The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Members Present: Anthony Arrigo, Grant Dulgarian, Anneliese Greenier, Kerry Kohring, Daniel MacLellan, Britt Page, Sheila Perlow Thomas Schmeling, Dean Weinberg.

Members Absent: Jim Barfoot, Sierra Barter, Chris Bull, Daren Bulley, Martha Fraenkel, Harriet Hemphill, Jesse Polhemus, Joan Retsinas, Mary Ann Rossoni, Peter Sandby-Thomas.

Guests: None

President’s Report (Dean): We are nearing the end of our Board year. We have had a number of successes and made strides forward in a number of areas.

We have been approved for the full amount of Miriam Hospital grant of $12.5K for the community garden. We have also been urged to apply for next year as well.

Minutes: Approval for the November minutes was moved by Kerry with a second by Sheila. Unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Dean reported in Harriet’s absence.  We had a small amount of membership dues from Paypal.  There was an additional $5 income from the yard sale. We’re about where we were last year: about $600 over budget. Cash reserves are more than sufficient to cover this.
Approved moved by Anthony with a second by Kerry. Unanimously approved.

State Senate Grant: These funds may be frozen, but as of yet we have no project to fund in any case.  Sheila mentioned a partnership with the Holocaust museum at the JCC. It was also suggested the funds might be used for recycling program at Lippitt park.  Anybody with ideas should bring them to Dean.

Snow shoveling brigade: (Britt) We had 4 people in need and 9 volunteers, so we are well-covered. Kudos were offered.

Christmas Caroling is planned for Sunday 12/22. Start at Miriam Hospital at 5-5:30 for refreshments. Practice singing at Miriam and head out to the streets for an hour.  Meet at 7:00 on Hope Street for after-caroling refreshments.  There is no plan for a specific meeting place.

Events committee: Nothing to report

Newsletter: Kerry reports the newsletter is on track to hit the streets in Jan-Feb.  Coverage will include: Caroling, Hope St. business changes,  Kreatelier, snow shoveling, the fall cook-off, Claude Goldman obituary, Robert Azar’s visit to the Board, Rochambeau library, Miriam outreach.

North Main Street: The Smithfield Ave. 2-way project will not be completed until spring because of Cox, Verizon and freezing weather. It should be done 1st thing in spring.  The “Tar Hill” project has broken ground. Expect completion in June or July. It will be 2,500 sq. ft. commercial space (1-2 businesses) and three 2-br townhouses on top.

Nominating committee: (Annelise, Tom, Kerry) Will work on slate of officers. We need treasurer desperately. Everyone should help ID potential new board members. Gathering (formerly Hope St. Pizza) Grant moves, Sheilan2d Anneliese Tom cocahirs + Kerry.

Annual meeting: Will take place mid-February. Various possibilities for content were discussed in addition to the usual President’s report, and election of Board members: Presentations by elected officials, police, recycling agency, Bob Azar, etc).  Another option is early candidate forum. Grant encouraged making the theme the zoning oridinance changes. Dean will send email soliciting ideas.

Added items:

Candidate forums. Should they be before the primary or the general election? Combine with other groups?  No decisions were made.

It was asked whether we should include the minutes of the Hope Street Merchants Association on our website.  Dean will reach out to them to make sure it’s OK with them.

Motion to adjourn by Tom, second by Kerry. All approve.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.


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