The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Members Present: Anthony Arrigo, Chris Bull, Daren Bulley, Grant Dulgarian, Martha Fraenkel, Howie Gladstone, Anneliese Greenier, Kerry Kohring, Daniel MacLellan, Sheila Perlow, Jesse Polhemus, Thomas Schmeling, Dean Weinberg

Members Absent: Jim Barfoot, Sierra Barter, Claude Goldman, Harriet Hemphill, Britt Page, Joan Retsinas, Mary Ann Rossoni, Peter Sandby-Thomas,

President’s Report:

  • New Board members were encouraged to select a project and volunteer.
  • Summit Ave Project /Community Garden is currently on hold.  One neighbor is not enthused and Dean ensured him it would not move forward until we are sure that a majority of the neighbors support it.  A survey will be prepared and distributed in a week or two.  Bob McMaon is working on funding.  We have raised $5k from 2 grants.
    It was asked to whom the questionnaire will go.  We previously did a survey on list serve.  The plan is for an online survey.  A link will be sent on the list serve and a flyer posted in Lippitt park.  Anybody in city (and beyond) can vote.
    Kerry asked if he may put it in the newsletter and the answer was yes.
  • The Music festival has a home and date (see below)
  • The Alternative Market took place last Saturday.  Several Board members attended and represented SNA. Feedback on the event was good.  It will take place every sat. 10-2 through fall.
  • The Hope Street Spring Fair last Saturday was successful.  SNA was represented there as well.
  • The Narragansett Bay Commission project moves along.  There will be no more night work due to neighbor complaints. They are ahead of schedule on repaving which will start soon.

Minutes: Several corrections were made to the minutes for the April 22 meeting.  Kerry moved, Howie seconded, to approve the amended minutes. Passed unanimously with 1 abstaining.

Budget report: We are up $1k on membership income. Previous budget was not balanced due to a clerical error of $560.  Dean added a $560 membership income projection. Anthony moved to accept the report. Annalise seconded.  Unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Martha moved to accept, Kerry seconded.  Passed Unanimously

Yard Sale Ad hoc committee. Membership was established: Jesse (chair), Britt, Howie & Martha.  Grant moved to approve, Tom seconded.  Approval unanimous

Committee Reports:

Membership Committee has met twice since the last Board meeting. Members are Anthony, Joan, Annaleise , Dan, Jesse, Sierra, Shiela.

They have discussed a multi-phased process of membership. Phase one involves working with the Merchants Association to create a reciprocal relationship. They would like to give incentives (coupons, etc.) to businesses that become members of association. Their goal is 10 businesses before phase 2.  They have been considering four levels of business memberships ranging from free to $500. Each level would be associated with a different benefit (window decals, links on our web page, coupons in the newsletter, SNA events held at place of business)

They have also discussed having door-to-door canvassers who would be paid commissions to sign up new resident members.

Concerns were raised about having paid canvassers who don’t know the neighborhood well.  The commission might either be inadequate to compensate the individuals or create incentives for them to push too hard. It was also suggested that such a substantial change in the business model of SNA should take place only after the full Board has a chance to review a written plan of action.

Dean moved to have the committtee go to merchants and have a discussion about how we could work together.  They should come back in June with a plan.  Grant seconded, passed unanimously.

Events Committee: Music festival has a home and date (see above).  Use of the city’s stage has been approved. This does not include sound which we have always provided.  Date;  Aug 17th. Rain date 24th.  Headliner: Stooges Brass Band is almost confirmed, and we should know in next few days.  Vendor forms will go out in next few weeks.  Michael McGlynn has made up forms for this and for yard sale. We have $1500-2000 committed donations so far and we are looking for a total of $4-$5K.

Newsletter. The next newsletter in good shape.  Yard sale and music fest details are coming in.   Kerry will add a link to the community garden survey in the newsletter.  Grant expressed concern about the profile of Max Formal in the upcoming newsletter. Max Formal has had two profiles in the newsletter while other businesses have had none. He moved to pull the profile from the newsletter but this was not approved. Tom moved to retain the profile this time, but to resolve to not have more than one profile per business until more have been featured. Sheila seconded. Approved unanimously with Kerry abstaining.

Additional item:  Dean mentioned that the proprietors of Cruise Brothers had approached him about a joint venture to create an SNA-themed cruise.  No vote was taken, but the Board generally felt that such a commercial venture was not in the Board’s or SNA’s interests at this time.

Motion to adjourn at 9:00by Dan, seconded by Sheila.  Approved without objection.


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