The meeting came to order at 7:05p.m.
Members Present: Anthony Arrigo, Jim Barfoot, Sierra Barter, Grant Dulgarian, Howie Gladstone, Anneliese Greenier, Harriet Hemphill, Kerry Kohring, Daniel MacLellan, Britt Page, Sheila Perlow, Jesse Polhemus, Joan Retsinas, Thomas Schmeling, Dean Weinberg,
Members Absent: Chris Bull, Daren Bulley, Martha Fraenkel, Claude Goldman, Mary Ann Rossoni, Peter Sandby-Thomas,
1. Report from President Dean Weinberg:
- We have lost 3 board members, which is fairly typical after a new board forms. Board membership is now 21 and a quorum is 7.
- The Easter egg hunt was tremendous success on most accounts. We had over 130 participants. Kerry collected the suggestions for improvement that were made and circulated them by email.
- We have received checks for state House and Senate grants, which are earmarked for the community garden. The checks are $2,500 each. Harriet will start a restricted fund to hold these funds separate.
- We are back in contact with Bob MacMahon regarding the garden/tot lot.
- There will be a Providence alternative market Saturday may 23 in the Miriam Auditorium parking lot, across street from penalty box..
- Tree planting took place on North Main Street.
2. Minutes from the March meeting were unanimously approved on a motion by Anthony which was seconded by Jesse.
3. Dean presented the budget for 2013. Some minor corrections to the printed version were noted. Jesse moved to approve with a second by Sheila. Discussion followed:
The city has denied our request for funds, saying that it’s someone else’s turn. Dean requested the free use of the city’s stage from Lynn Mccormack as the cost of renting a state is prohibitive. He is waiting for their response. Dean added a request that $3K be added to expenditures for the music festival, to be balanced by sponsorship income that will be sought. It was suggested that we approach local businesses and organizations to get $3-4K in exchange for sponsorship but that discussion was postponed for the events committee report.
The budget, including the $4K for the music festival was passed unanimously.
4. Events committee: Jesse moves authorize events committee to seek funding from local sponsors for music festival (see above). Kerry seconded. Unanimously approved.
Anthony is exploring Shakespeare in the Park. Looking at a possible date the first week of August date. In discussion it was noted this should not conflict with other events. Tom moved, with a second by Jesse, to authorize the Events Committee to commit up to $750 for this event. Passed unanimously
5. Membership committee had nothing to report at this time. They expect to meet soon.
6. Newsletter. Kerry reported that the newsletter will be delayed to June to wait for hard information on dates of events and to and make the announcements closer to events so people don’t forget. Businesses featured will be Max Formal and Ocean Tides. The next newsletter will publish in September. Tom requests email notification a week or so in advance of delivery.
7. Crime watch. There was nothing to report.
8. Miriam Hospital is hosting a drug drop off as part of nationwide Prescription Drug Take Back Day
9. The treasurer’s report was presented. Approval was moved by Jesse and seconded by Anthony. It was suggested that we look into getting free phone service rather than paying for it. Report approved unanimously.
10. Jim raised the issue of identifying volunteers for activities. He will attend the Membership Committee meeting to coordinate with them. Kerry can scan the information he has for newsletter deliverers.
11. Motion to adjourn by Anthony with multiple seconds. Meeting adjourned at 8:30.