Present: Grant Dulgarian, Anneliese Greenier, Vishal Jain, Kerry Kohring, Daniel MacLellan, Sheila Perlow, Lee Pichette, Joan Retsinas, Peter Sandby-Thomas, Thomas Schmeling, Sharon Waldman, Dean Weinberg

Absent: Jim Barfoot, Sierra Barter, Chris Bull, Daren Bulley, Michael McGlynn, Britt Page, Mary Ann Rossoni.

Guests: David Kolsky (advisory board), Katiuska Perez (Mayor’s Office), Rui David (Hope Street Farmers’ Market), Pernilla Frazier (Hope St. Merchants’ Assn)

The meeting was brought to order at 7:05 PM

Board President Dean Weinberg reminded Board members that each should pick a project to work on.

The minutes of the May meeting were unanimously approved on a motion by Kerry and seconded by Sheila.

The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved on a motion by Tom and seconded by Kerry. Vishal will take over t-shirt ordering.

Rui David- There are 37 vendors at the Saturday Farmers’ market and 8 on Wednesdays. They have worked with Grant Dulgarian to get recycling bins. Grant takes them to curb and Rui picks them up on Monday. They have a booth for community events. Fee is $25.

There was a brief discussion of the property tax changes.

Zoning. Dean sent an email encouraging people to attend the meeting but got no volunteers. Monday July 7 is last chance for public comments. The planning commission will vote and send it to the city council. Kerry reported that Board members Britt and Martha (both of whom are urban planners) did not find anything objectionable. David K is concerned about “upzoning” Brook Street.

Membership Committee. (Vishal reported for Michael). He distributed a draft of a membership statement. The Board expressed support for the draft and referred it back to the committee for finalization. It was noted that some people think they are members because they are on the listserv. Grant suggests membership increase to $20 but no motion was made.

Streets of Summit Photo Contest. Joan reports that flyers are on Hope St. One submission was made on the first day of the contest.

Candidate forums: Dean is “honing in” on the date. We may have to change dates. At present, for July 30th 7-9pm everyone is in except the mayor.

The Annual Yard Sale (via email from Britt) is set to go Sat 9/13 Online registration form is up and running

Summit Ave garden/park. Kerry and Dean and Lee have a meeting with Bob M scheduled for this week. The purpose to determine what elements of the plan can be done first, given current funding challenges. Dan asked about when the fountain will be on. Dean will ask Bob.

Events committee: The Music Festival will be Aug 23d. The line-up not set as Dean is working on the funding and the lineup depends on how much we raise.

The Fall Cook Off: Anthony Arrigo has left the neighborhood, so Dean asked for volunteers to take over this event. Nobody came forward but lee suggested he might know someone.

Dean asked again for proposals for new events.

North Main Street There is no news to report. Sherry mentions that there is graffiti on the Sears building. Mayors task force rep.

Newsletter. We are waiting to confirm dates for the candidate forum.

Pernilla reported that the Hope St. fair was a big success. Cyclovia is scheduled for 9/7. The city is not providing money for this event but Miriam Hospital is. Their goal is to invite health related vendors, fitness clubs, etc.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:11 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Thomas Schmeling


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