
Summit Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors Meeting

November 19, 2018

Present: Erik Christiansen, Anneliese Greenier, Ethan Gyles, Anna Highsmith, Sandra Lee, Britt Page, Read Porter, Kathleen Rourke, Sharon Lee Waldman,

Absent: Lee Clasper-Torch, Anne Holland, John Pettinelli, Laura Ramsey, Tom Schmeling, Dean Weinberg

Guests: Paul Smith, Margie Smith, E. J. McQuade, Grant Dulgarian

Additions: Read asks to speak about his website mock-up, added to priorities session discussion. Margie asks to discuss park.

Approval of Minutes: Sandra moved to approve, Kathy seconded. Approved with two minor corrections.

Membership Committee: Tom absent.

Newsletter: Last newsletter of the year successfully distributed two weeks ago. Still need a new chair for this committee.

Events Committee: HSMA Winter Stroll – Anna will coordinate the table. Kathy, Erik, Sandra, Read volunteer. Caroling for a Cause – Sunday December 16th is the date, gathering in the foyer of Miriam Hospital.

North Burial Ground: Erik reports that the Ghost Walk drew 180 people in October.

Treasurer’s Report: Britt explains there were a few garden expenses, and a few new members.

Garden Committee: Read explains that the fall cleanup is complete and the garden is ready for winter.   

Ongoing Business:

a. SNA logo: Anna distributed revised versions of the logo for ranked choice voting.  The board voted for the houses and chimneys logo.

b. Lippitt Park “Little Free Library”: Sharon reported that she sent out a blurb about a contest for designs and did not receive any submissions. She suggests tabling this project until the spring, perhaps putting out the word in February.  Anna will contact the Friends of Rochambeau Library to let them know of the revised schedule.

c. “Keep Summit Beautiful” signs: We continue to wait for installation.

d. India restaurant complaint resolution: Ethan reports that he met with the owner about neighbor complaints that were focused on the blockage of the street. The owner explained that he’s moving as quickly as possible to get the street and sidewalk clear as it costs a lot for him to pay for the partial closure.

e. Drinking water fountain project: Ethan reports that he recently reached out to Wendy Nilsson to explain the status of our fundraising goal and ask about money from the city. She has not yet responded.

f. 2018+ priorities session continued: Read explains his work to redesign the website to make it more accessible and more user-friendly. Consensus is that the redesign looks and works great. Read says the priority is to get photos that are suitable for the new site.  Ethan moves to accept the redesign in concept, pending input from Tom regarding membership database interface, and Sandra seconded. All approved. 

New business:

a. “Year of the City” – Erik reports on meeting with Marissa Brown of the Brown U. Public Humanities Center about their effort to engage neighborhoods around Providence in community history projects during 2019.

b. Margie mentions her home-based spiritual education program for children. She’s teaching patience, courtesy, kindness, helpfulness and other virtues. She asked the Parks Dept about using a park for this sort of class and they agreed, and she will try to offer outdoor classes this summer.

Next meeting date decision (holiday decision): December 17 will be the next meeting.
