Summit Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
July 16, 2018
Members Present: Annaliese Greenier, Ethan Gyles, Sandra Lee, Britt Page, Read Porter, Laura Ramsey, Kathy Rourke, Thomas Schmeling, Sharon Lee Waldman.
Members Absent: Erik Christiansen, Anna Highsmith, John Pettinelli, Dean Weinberg
Guests: Ed Neubaurer, Grant Dulgarian
Guest presentation:
The Board heard a presentation by Ed Neubauer. a 25 year Summit resident. He is working with Mike Fink to secure a grant from the RI Council for the Humanities for a “Jane’s Walk” on the East Side. He would like us to be the 510c3 sponsoring entity for their grant application.
The application for the $2000 planning grant is due 8/1. A larger grant for $12,000 would follow if the first application is successful. The second application would be due in May 2019, though this date needs to be checked, since the actual walk would also be in May 2019. Ed promised to get back to Britt on financial structure and reporting requirements, and to Ethan on timelines.
SNA would be the grant recipients. It was discussed that we might need a separate bank account to administer the grant. Concerns were also raised regarding our liability in case of injury. Ethan will check with our insurance provider.
Tom moved, and Britt and Kathy seconded that SNA agree to sponsor this event. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s report (Britt).
We took in $165 in memberships and had a few Yard Sale registrants. We sold 1 t shirt. We also deposited the $1,500 Senate grant received from Gayle Golden.
We paid out $706 for newsletter printing.
We received $389 in donations for the Lippitt Park bubbler.
Garden plot fees have been deposited (Britt will update us on the amount later)
There was a brief discussion of delivery of newsletters. At least one neighbor expressed concern about newsletters remaining on porches of people who are on vacation.
Upcoming Events
Movie Nights
Candidate Forums on 7/28 and 8/98
Mike Ritz will moderate the “undebate” on 7/28
Dan McGowan will moderate the 8/9 debate
Ruth Brendel of Observatory will coordinate time and refreshments
These are primary election debates and only those facing challengers will appear
Yard Sale. Will be on 9/23 Kathy has is waiting for a commitment from Indie Cycle (Ewaste)
North Main St. Committee. Dean was not present to report.
North Burial Ground. Erik was not present to report.
Community Garden (Read). 5 new beds were gained as a result of the tree trimming. 27 households are now members. The continuing acting chair Jessica Porter. The vice-chair is currently vacant.
Lippitt Park Free Library. Sherri is working on the kids art contest to decorate the library. She asked Jerry’s Artorama for gifts certificates as prizes for contributors. The library itself has already been installed (?)
Fane Tower Update Open meeting ths Wednesday 5:30 at City Hall. Ethan encourages other to attend. Written testimony can be submitted.
SNA-Mt. Hope Community Building. Ethan will introduce Sandra to Eugene Monteiro to indicate that Sandra would like to come to a meeting.
Congratulations to Laura on her new twin girls!
The discussion of SNA Priorities was postponed again. Ethan, Tom and Laura will work to craft a template for discussion.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas Schmeling