
Summit Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, December 17, 2018

Board members present: Anneliese Greenier, Ethan Gyles, Britt Page, Laura Ramsey, Read Porter, Kathy Rourke, Thomas Schmeling, Sharon Lee Waldman.

Board members absent:  Erik Christiansen, Anna Highsmith, Sandra Lee, John Pettinelli,  Dean Weinberg.

Guests  Rod Burkett, Christina Procaaccionti, Vanessa Corbera.

Christina Procaaccionti is the owner of Green Line apothecary in Wakefield.  They plan to open a second location at 905 North Main Street.  They have purchased the building and are renovating it. They provide an alternative to large chain pharmacies.  Their goal is to forge a connection with the community and improve heath and wellness.  They have a soda fountain rescued from a department store.  They will provide free delivery.  They promise to be as efficient as chain but more friendly and familiar, and often cheaper.

Vanessa raised the issue of having a Trader Joe’s in the neighborhood.  A working group was established to investigate the possibility.   The group will include Ethan, Sherry, Laura, and Vanessa.

Minutes:   Sherry moved to approve the November minutes, Kathy seconded.  All in favor.

President’s report: Ethan reported that caroling had to be cancelled last month due to weather.  We also did not have a table at the Hope Street Winter Stroll for the same reason.

Treasurer’s Report: Britt will report next month.

The Little free library project for Lippitt Park has been postponed until spring.

Water fountain project: Ethan talked to Wendy Nilsson and her team about preparations bids procedures. We need to get the true cost of project and we want to ask them if they have access to funds. They are reaching out to contractors for numbers. We may have these figures by next meeting as well as some indication of whether Parks can help us.  Our current funds for this include $6k from Miriam Hospital plus our current $1,259 raised from donations.  We also hope for a State Senate grant.

Membership:  Our current membership is 91 households containing 132 members.

Newsletter:  We still need a new chair for the newsletter committee.  We need to answer the question whether we want to continue or discontinue delivering hard copies to each household.

Community Garden. Nothing to report

Keep Summit Beautiful Signs:  Nothing to report.

SNA Priorities.  Ethan asked what our next steps should be.  Grant suggested meetings with the public.  Read noted that some items may require this, but others will not and we can just move forward with those. We agreed that, for our next meeting, Ethan will update the Google Doc.  He will also email the Board to ask that each person who has responsibility for a project come to our next meeting with a list of next steps for that project.

New business:  None

It was agreed to move the next meeting to January 28th

Respectfully submitted, Tom Schmeling